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“Who is that?” Macy asked, nodding her head slightly in the direction of a guy, a guy with very curly hair and an unusually large amount of tattoos littered across his body, and he was staring at the three of them. 

“Why the fuck would I know?” Carter rolled her eyes, hating her little sister momentarily. 

“He's been looking at you, for like, an hour.” Macy said, narrowing her eyes slightly. She couldn't help but feel jealous; she was the one to always get attention. Macy was cute and hot and beautiful in every way. Carter was the same, only that she hid it behind her purple hair and pierced face, along with band t-shirts and ripped jeans.

“One, we've been here twenty minutes. And two, just because someone is staring at me doesn't mean I know them.” Carter said. She hated how Macy always exaggerated things. It was annoying.

“Well excuse me then.” Macy huffed and slumped slightly in her seat.

“You're excused.” 

“Mom,” Macy whined, turning towards the mother of the pair in desperation. “Tell Carter to stop being rude.”

Carter let out an amused snort and raised one of her eyebrows. “Mom,” she mocked, “Tell Macy to stop being stupid.”

“Both of you will stop it, right now.” Their mother said, sighing heavily. She was so done with her children, she sometimes felt like just abandoning them on the streets when they fought. “Who is this boy I'm hearing of, anyway?”

“We don't know! It's this creep who's been staring at Carter since we came. He's totally hot, though.”

“Too bad I like women then.” Carter said, and smirked as the familiar look of horror swiped over her mother's face, though it was gone as soon as it had come. 

“Bullshit. You're into boys.” Their mom said and Macy snickered, for she knew the true intentions behind her sister's words.

“Mom's right, sis. I heard you and that Brian guy last night.” She decided to join in, hoping to get a reaction of some sort that she could use against her sister in another fight.

“Fuck you, Mace.” 

“Mom!” Macy whined, “She swore at me.”

“And you listened to my sex.”


“Do you even know what that means?” The look Carter was giving her sister was one that people usually saw as disgust, but really, it meant 'you're-so-stupid-I-won't-believe-a-word'. The look of disgust was just something she showed without even thinking of it. She had a tendency to look like she wanted to murder everyone, her dad would say.

“Yes.” Macy stated, though she didn't know, she had no idea, really. But she was not going to admit that. 

“Tell me then.” Carter challenged, a know-it-all smirk coating her lips though she still managed to look like she hated everyone and everything (which she kind of did).

“No, because you might not know what it means and only try to make me look stupid.” And Carter sighed, because the words that left her sister's mouth, for once, actually kind of made sense.

“Whatever.” And then they were silent for a good while, something that the sister's mother cherished very much. It was not often it was quiet between the two.

“Okay, I'm literally seconds away from going up to that creep. I can feel his eyes on me. Thanks for pointing it out, M.”

“Welcome.” Her sister replied, obviously not catching onto the sarcasm. Carter rolled her eyes.

“Wait, is it that curly haired boy by the wall? The one with all those tattoos?” Their mother suddenly spoke up, her eyes widening.

“No,” Carter responded, beating her sister by a millisecond. “It's the one shitting rainbows.”

“Carter. I am serious. Is it the boy, yes or no?” Her mother said again, now turning towards Macy in hope of a non-sarcastic answer.

“Yes, he is. Why?” Macy furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as to why her mother was so desperate to know.

“I want you to stay away from that boy.” Their mother responded and Carter's attention was caught immediately. 

“Why?” She asked, trying to hold back a smile.

“He is nothing but trouble, that one. He is in a band, and he even sings a song where he tells mother's to keep their children away, and so you are both ought to stay away from him. Understand?”

"Yes, mom.” Macy responded immediately while Carter stayed quiet because she had already got caught up in the boy when she heard that he's in a band. Carter liked band members. A lot.

"How do you know all this shit? You even know the fucking lyrics to his song.” Carter spoke up, looking at her mother momentarily before letting her eyes drift over to the boy that stood by the wall. And, sure enough, he was still looking their way. And okay. It was pretty obvious they were talking about him.

"No, Carter. You will not even look at this boy, you hear me? He is nothing but foul dirt. People frown upon you enough, imagine what they would say once they saw you with this boy.” And there it was: her mother only caring about her image and not how the boy would ruin her daughter's life. 

"Whatever, mom.” Carter said, even though she had stopped listening ages ago, because the boy was smiling at her and she was smiling back. And soon she was telling her family she was going to the bathroom and the boy got the hint. 

"Who are you and why do you keep looking at me?” Carter asked the second she approached the boy. Carter was always one to cut straight to the point, she hated beating around the bush. The boy only widened his smile and looked down on her, he was a bit taller. 

"Now, we both know that's not the real reason you came over.” The boy smirked. "I reckon you are only here to piss off your mother, so why not have a little fun whilst doing so?”


this is shit and all but yeah.  

please tell me your thoughts, and if i should continue this story! It is highly appreciated :) 

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