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Carter wakes early the morning after, something she always does after partying. Her mouth is dry and a gross taste lingers, almost stinging her tongue. Gagging, she heads for the bathroom to drink some water and brush her teeth. 

After a couple of hours of TV and food, Nicole calls her. Carter rolls her eyes in annoyance before answering the call. 

"Go to the mall with me," Nicole sounds through the phone. Carter wants to hang up on her screeching voice. 

"Fuck, no." 

"C'mon, I really want to!" 

"And?" Carter can't hide the small smirk adorning her lips as she plays with the hem of her shirt. Annoying Nicole is probably one of her favorite hobbies. 

"And," Nicole takes a deep breath, and Carter imagines she's rolling her eyes. She's right. "You're supposed to be my friend." 


"So," Nicole is barely containing her anger at this point, something that's clear in her voice. "I went with you last night. You owe me one." 

"Actually, baby, I don't owe you shit." 

"Okay, whatever. I'll be there in ten." And then she hangs up. Carter stares at her phone, dumbfounded, before deciding to go anyway. She's wondering what Nicole really wants. She never pushes Carter like this. 

True to her word, Nicole pulls into Carter's driveway ten minutes later. A honk is heard, and Carter walks over to her window, holding up her shirt to show Nicole she's still getting dressed. The latter rolls her eyes but smiles up at the window, anyway. 

When Carter finishes getting dressed, she hurries out of her room and down the hall. She's desperately hoping not to run into her sister or mom. That's just one more thing she does not need at this moment, already irritated from her hangover and Nicole forcing her outside. She really just wanted to stay in bed and eat all day. 

"Hey, hoe." A voice suddenly sounds. Carter turns around, facing her sister. This is not her lucky day, at all. 

"Bye, bitch." Carter turns again, grabbing her shoes and heading for the door. 

"Where are you going?" 

"Out." Carter practically spits the word, her patience running thin. She wants to get out of this hell hole already. 

"Are you going to see that boy?" Macy asks, her glare filled with jealousy. 

"What the fuck is it your business if I am?" Carter bends down to put on her shoes as she talks. 

"Mom said no," 

"When have I ever listened to mom?" Macy shrugs and lowers her head. Carter rolls her eyes. "Thought so." 

And with that, she's out the door. She makes her way to Nicole's car and gets in the passenger's seat. 

"What's up with you today?" She asks. Nicole nearly takes it as concern, but isn't stupid enough to believe it. 

"Nothing?" Nicole furrows her brows, turning to Carter as she starts the car. 

"Then why the hell were you so grumpy?" 

Realization dawns on Nicole. "I just wasn't in the mood for your shit, I guess." 

Carter doesn't respond and Nicole decides not to talk anymore. She deems it best to let Carter get over herself before saying anything, not in the mood to handle her attitude at the moment. She just wants to have some fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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