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"Oh really? 'Cause, I mean, you seem like a dick." Carter told Harry, snorting in amusement as he had told her he had a soft side. And wow. Okay. Harry was not used to this treatment. 

"We'll I'm sorry, then." Harry rolled his eyes. He did that a lot.

"What is it with everybody and apologizing to me today? Like, I'm not complaining, but," Carter trailed off, remembering her sisters apology (though it wasn't really an apology) from earlier.

"Guess it's just one of those days, huh?" Harry snickered and leaned more into the wall, putting one of his feet against it for support. He felt more relaxed around Carter.

"I guess. Now tell me, is it true that you're in a band?" Carter was getting turned on by only the thought. She liked to fuck band members.

"It is, yes. Maybe you've heard of us, Sinderella." Harry spoke with pride and Carter widened her eyes as she let out a loud laugh. 

"Haven't heard of it, no. Though I must say it is an awesome name." Carter bit down on her lip, thinking of how sinful she could be in bed. Especially with Harry. And wow. Okay. She looked fucking hot while doing it.

"I've only known you for like, ten minutes, and it already feels like it's a huge deal that you're complimenting me." Harry let out a breathy laugh, not really knowing how to feel about the purple haired girl in front of him.

Carter rolled her eyes, hoping it would hide the amusement from showing. "I'm not complimenting you, I'm compliment the band name. I mean, it's genius." 

"I made it, so I'm a genius, then?"

"I guess so, geek." 

"Hey, you know what they say. Geek in the streets, freak in the sheets." Harry winked, finally stepping away from the wall, so he could be closer to the girl in front of him.

"Cinderella by day, Sinderella by night." Carter said, sounding dead serious. And she kind of was. And oh. Harry was getting turned on.

"Exactly! Fuck me, someone get's it." Harry laughed, running a hand through his hair to ruffle it up; he thought it made him look cool. "People are so fucking stupid nowadays."

"Yeah, they really are. Like, my sister over there," - Carter pointed at Macy - "Is the stupidest fuck I've ever met I swear to God I am about to throw her in front of a bus."

"Oh, wow, harsh." Harry said and chuckled lightly. Sure, he found her words amusing, who didn't? But he was still slightly scared about what she would do. Carter gave off that "I'm unpredictable" vibe. 

"Stupid people annoy me."

"Same. Especially the ones that are too stupid to realize they're stupid."

"You seem kind of smart, so that's good. But," Carter took a long pause, to build tension, or whatever. (She even contemplated on walking away). "Tell me, Harry. Do you consider yourself a 'bad boy'?"

"Well, I mean, yeah." Harry said, puffing out his chest as discreetly as possible as he pursed his lips slightly. He figured it was a big turn on for Carter (and it was), because, who the hell isn't turned by bad boys?

"Well, in my experience, there are two types of bad boys." Carter started, looking at Harry for a long time, analyzing him. "The first kind is the type who has that cheeky glint in his eye. He smirks at your clumsiness, he tells jokes. He would easily play dares with you. The type of boy most people fall in love with.

"The second type is a lot different. These bad boys murder. They steal. They rape. They are dark. They kidnap. And so tell me, Harry. Which type of bad boy are you?"

And fuck, Harry didn't really have an answer to that. "I'm a little bit of both, I think." He decided with that, because truth is, he kind of was. He stole and he had raped someone before and he had witnessed his friends murder, but he also had this cheeky glint in his eye and he was the type that most people fall in love with. So, yeah. He was a little bit of both.

"You think?" Harry nodded. "Well, I need you to know." 

"Then I am a little bit of both. Yeah. I am." Harry concluded with because it was how it was and he didn't want her to walk away. Not when he was turned on.

"Alright. Well, then we're done here." 

"And why the fuck is that?" Harry spat. He was angry because this bitch had gotten him all riled up and horny and then she was just going to walk away. 

"Obviously, I only came here to piss my mother off. And also, I'm not about to get sucked into your little 'bad boy' life." Carter said and looked dead serious as she did.  

And oh. Had she only known how terribly, terribly wrong she was.


sorry it's a bit short, but i have 5 books coming up today/tomorrow! 

Please comment and tell me what you think! :)

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