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After that meeting, Harry found himself obsessively thinking about that girl with the vibrant purple hair and dull blue eyes that shouldn't really look good together but somehow did. And Carter sat at the dinner table with her sister and mom, not giving a shit about what the two were talking about, until a certain curly haired guy was mentioned.

“Wait, what? Are you talking about Harry?” Carter shot in, talking for the first time she came downstairs. Carter had been to occupied with stuffing her mouth to the brim to talk, anyway. Not that she wanted to talk, she rarely did when she came downstairs (as rare as that was). All in all, Carter didn't really talk to her family all that much.

“Yes. My God, you better stay away from him this time, Carter. Or else I'm grounding you for a month.” Her mother warned, clearly having seen Carter and Harry a few days before. 

“Sure, mom. He's not really my type, anyway. He's down for emotions, I think.” Carter rolled her eyes and for once her mother was grateful for the words that left her mouth. 

Carter, however, saw this hatred that her mom held as an opportunity. An opportunity to piss of her mother and maybe get laid. 

“But I mean, he really is hot. Man, how do you think that voice is going to sound in bed? And those curls clinging to his forehead in sweat.” Carter closed her eyes, actually imagining the event, as she spoke to piss her mom off. It surely worked.

“One more word about that boy and you are grounded for two weeks.” Her mother threatened and Carter leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms.

“Whatever,” she said and stood up. “I'm going out.” And she had already grabbed her docs and phone and was walking out of the door, in only socks, before her mom could even think about yelling at her. 

Carter quickly sat down on the closest bus station and put on her shoes. Then she decided to call her friend, Nicole, to come pick her up. Because, I mean. Walking. It wasn't really her thing.

“Get in bitch, we're going shopping!” Nicole called out as she stopped in front of where Carter was sitting. They both laughed loudly as they remembered the movie and got in.

“You're totally funny, Nikki.” Carter rolled her eyes as she purposely forgot to strap her seatbelt on. Nicole noticed but didn't say anything; she'd given up on that ages ago.

“That sounds like a strippers name.” Nicole groaned and laughed at the same time, so she ended up sounding like a retarded whale. In Carter's opinion, anyway.

“Good thing you are a stripper, then.” 

“Fuck you, C.” Nicole smiled a big, fat, sweet, fake smile in Carter's direction, causing the purple haired girl to giggle. 

“Gladly, Nikki. But remember, only after we're married. Wouldn't like to get in trouble with the big man upstairs.” She winked and bit her lip, trying to be seductive, when in reality, she wanted to cry with laughter.

Nicole snorted loudly, “I think that's a little too late, babe.”

“You think way too much.”

“Deal with it.” Carter rolled her eyes because, God, Nicole was bad at comebacks. “Tell me about that boy, the one with the hair.”

“Harry?” Nicole nodded and Carter sighed. “We talked once, and I think I'm gonna fuck him, to piss my mom off. It's no big deal, really.”

Mother ➳ h.s (on hiatus until i finish the SM series)Where stories live. Discover now