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Almost an hour late, Carter and Nicole enter the club. To their surprise, it's completely packed. There's no music, and all they can hear are silent murmurs from the people surrounding them. Carter gives Nicole a weird look before they shove their way through to the bar. 

"Why the fuck are all these people here?" Nicole asks, leaning into Carter. The latter shrugs, quickly catching the bartender and placing her order. Thankfully, they don't card at this place. "Every time we've been here it's only been like, thirty people." 

"Yeah, I know," Carter sighs. "Guess everyone's feeling a bit rebellious this afternoon." 

"Guess so." 

The girls quickly get their drinks and turn towards the stage, watching a few guys run around and place equipment all over the place. A few moments later and the stage lights turn on, the murmurs replaced by high pitched giggling and some squeals. Carter has never been this confused in her life, she thinks. 

A tall shadow walks onto the stage then, quickly illuminated by the lights. "Um, hi," he starts, a sheepish smile coating his lips. Carter rolls her eyes. "We're Sinderella. Thanks for coming." 

The room quiets once more and Carter finds herself on her toes, waiting in anticipation of what is to come next. The strum of a guitar is heard, followed by the drums and bass. Carter raises her brows. 

"This is Medicine," His voice rings out, followed by some dirty lyrics Carter is pretty sure tells the story of him getting a blowjob. She tries desperately to hide her amused grin and ends up using her drink to cover it. Nicole, on the other hand, is dancing and screaming the newly learned lyrics alongside the rest of the crowd. 

Twenty-five minutes and six songs later, Harry locates Carter in the crowd and struggles to lock eyes with her as she's currently more focused on getting another drink from the bar than what's happening on stage. Harry goes to grab some water, and when he returns her eyes are set on him again. 

Harry catches her gaze and holds it whilst raising the microphone to his mouth. "This one's to you," he says. Nicole nearly faints. 

"Mother," Harry sings, the angelic roughness of his voice filling the quiet room. The instruments are quick to follow. "Tell your children not to walk my way." 

"This is the song my mom was talking about," Carter says, turning to Nicole. 

"Really? Well, I guess I get why she's so worried, you know how she is and these lyrics probably won't do much to soothe her." Nicole says, shaking her head. It's not a secret that Carter's mom is a bit of a nut job, really. Intrigued, Carter turns her attention back to Harry. 

"Father," they lock eyes again. "I'm gonna take your daughter out tonight. I'm gonna show her my world." 

Carter feels goosebumps rising at his words, the dark sound of the song along with Harry's raspy voice seeming to move something in her. Nicole shivers beside her. 

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea," Nicole mumbles in Carter's ear, the sudden change in mood between the three making her a tad uncomfortable. 

"What," Carter snorts, "you're scared of a song now?" 

"No!" Nicole is quick to protest, nearly screeching the words. "I just mean, like, look at him. All dark and shit." 

"Yeah, that's exactly why he's hot?" 

"I guess." 

Harry keeps singing about how mothers should be afraid of him and what he's going to show her daughter, his eyes never straying far from Carter. She returns the gaze, only looking to Nicole when she speaks. 

"One more song and we'll go." Carter says when the song finishes. 

"What?" Nicole turns to her. "Why? Don't you want to see him after?" 


"Alright, get me a beer then, please?" 

"Sure, baby," Carter winks and turns towards the bar for the umpteenth time. 

The song is over quickly, too quickly, in Nicole's opinion, and Carter soon heads for the door, pushing people out of her way with Nicole gripping onto her shirt. 

Just as they reach the door, Carter turns around again. She looks to the stage and notices Harry's frowning eyes on her. She cocks her head to the side, a smirk playing on her lips before her eye drops in a wink. 

Yeah, she thinks. I can have fun with this one. 

Then, she's out the door, linking her arm with Nicole. "Let's go to Krazy," she says. 

And so, they do. 

I'm just now coming back to this story so I apologize and promise it will get better the longer I write!!! please don't give up on me lmao I haven't written in ages.

I started this story when i was 14, so please excuse mistakes and ignorant shit thanks ahaha

But please, tell me what you think! Good and bad!!!

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