Where are the Others?

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"What's wrong?" Starlight asked her older sister.

"My friends..." she muttered.

"What about them?"

"My friends and I cannot wield these elements any more."

"Why not?!"

"Well... Applejack is working on her farm, it's Zap Apple Season. Rainbow is a Wonderbolt, doing a show in Canterlot. Fluttershy is in a foreign country studying animals. Pinkie Pie and Rarity....... died in a train accident." She sniffed, holding back tears. "You must find new bearers of the Elements of Harmony, by making friends."

"Friends?! But I don't know how to make friends!"

"You must."

"No way!"


Starlight was taken aback by her sister, Twilight Sparkle was using the Traditional Canterlot Voice on her. Frightened, she galloped away to unwillingly make friends.


Sorry I killed off Pinkie and Rarity. Don't get me wrong, they're my favorite ponies. Just know they aren't completely gone.


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