Chapter Four

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When I was fifteen my parents decided to take me out of school because they wanted me to carry on with the family business and become a full-time hunter. I had dreaded that for as long as I can remember, I didn't want to be a hunter, in fact, I wanted to be a writer hell I still do but in my defense, I was always told that it would happen on my eighteenth birthday.

 In the hunter bloodline, your eighteenth birthday shows you that you are officially welcomed in, on that day a mark appears on the back part of your left shoulder it looks exactly like a tattoo but there is no way you can remove it, it's the initials of your soulmate...yeah I know sounds crazy I personally don't believe in soulmates I just see S.M.I's (soulmate initials) as a way of saying 

"Hey look this person is going to be the parent of your children so if you find them go ahead and screw them" because getting someone pregnant/ or getting pregnant by someone that isn't your soulmate is kind of frowned upon here some say it dirty's up the bloodline although 99% of them that have had children with people that aren't their soulmate stay's within the hunter society so I don't see where that really makes it "dirty" 

I understand if it was with someone that joined in like Ali but even then I don't give a shit, have sex with whoever you want because it's your life you, do whatever you want unless you're in the hunter royalty, I feel bad for the king (yes we have a king, I know sounds like a sick fucking story tale ) cause he was born into his title but didn't have free will growing up- most girls would kill to be in the royal family but I don't...I'm actually kind of glad that I'm just a nobody.

I got home an hour later than I had originally intended, I knew Ali was probably up in her room playing music so loud that she can't hear me call her from the other side of the door so I put the stuff from the store on the kitchen counter for her to find them since they are her's anyway then put my car into the garage so I can put my new "toy's" away without drawing attention to myself because my neighbors can't mind their own damn business. 

Our next-door neighbor Ashley who's twenty-eight came to our door one time because she never saw someone leave the house, she saw them walk in but she didn't see them leave.

 For one the person was Ethan who found a book that I had spent months searching for so he came over to give it to me and when he did come over it was like five o'clock, the boys went out on a date and Ali left to take a long walk when something pissed her off. 

And well he's about a year older than me meaning that we can make our own decisions and with us both being teenagers we had...needs so we helped each other out and that was the first time that happened and we just continued to do it...wait does that mean I have a designated fuck buddy? Oh well, I'm enjoying it.

 I made him stay in my room until like four a.m because I didn't want them to see him 'sneak out' because I would get teased about it and well technically I only made him hide in my room for like an hour for ...obvious reasons, anyway she came to my doorstep the next morning because she never saw him leave...the bitch probably thinks I'm a serial killer or something like that.

"Hey what did ya' get?" Ali says walking into the basement "I got more bullets-we were running low" I say putting them on our shelf designated for bullets,

"How? you're an amazing shot" she asks "I haven't bought bullets in a year" I say to her "Oh okay" she says then starts to walk back upstairs.

"Wait what are we gonna do for dinner?" she asks at the doorway "It's your turn to take the boys out" I say to her "Shit didn't we just do that?" she asks "No the last time you did that I was with you for some damn reason" I say,

 Every time we come back from a hunting trip Ali and I take turns to take the boys out to dinner and after the trip before the last, I took them so it's her turn now-meaning I get the house to myself for a few hours since it's a Friday night they'll be out for a while. 

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