Chapter Five

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Victor and I have been best friends since I was born pretty much although he is ten months older than me and we've been inseparable up until about a year and a half ago when his parents went on a hunting trip and were killed, 

he never found out how or what killed them all he knew was that he wanted to get out of San Francisco for a little while then three months later I lost my parents hell I couldn't even call him to tell him, Mark called to check up on me because he always called me at the exact same time, every night, 

and every time he knew that I went with my parents on a trip and when I picked up the phone in tears he calmed me down enough for me to call a family friend that was in the area to help me get them back home then Mark called Victor telling him what happened. 

And a few hours later Victor called me telling me how sorry he was about my parents when all I wanted was my best friend to hold me as I cried because I had lost the four adults that were my family and had all left within six months. Still, he just stayed where he was for a year and never came to visit at least once at the beginning he called me every day then it turned into once a week then once a month, and then nothing until tonight.

 I made him hide in my room when Ali said she was on her way with the boys, I didn't think tonight was a good time to introduce all of them to one another and thankfully by the time they got back it was pretty late and the three of them went to bed. I joined Vic in my room and we talked for a while until I thought it was safe and they were all asleep then I helped Victor get all of his things out of his car and into the house,

"So the only bedrooms with actual beds in them are taken other than my parents' room" I say to him "I don't want to sleep in a bed that your parent more than likely had sex on multiple times" he says and we all can agree when I told this "Ew stop what the hell is wrong with you" I smack his arm but he laughs "You can stay in my room tonight and I'll take the couch" I say to him "No I'm not kicking you out of your bed, if anything I'm taking the couch" he says crossing his arms all stern like "How 'bout this-we both sleep in my bed since it's a king sized bed" I say "'ll be just like we were kids" 

He's right when our parent's worked together to find cases but always took turns on who went so sometimes I would spend however long at his house with his parents or he'd stay with me and my parents for a few nights even when we were sixteen and could take care of ourselves we stayed with the other cause we're best friends and sometimes it was just the two of us because every once in a great while the job needed more than two so we would be in who ever's house just the two of us so the other didn't get lonely.

"Well what have you been up to since I've been gone" he asks "Hunting, looking after a fifteen and sixteen-year-old" I began to say "Other than that...have you been dating?" he raises an eyebrow "Define dating" I say with a smirk "More than a one night stand" he says sitting down on the edge of my bed "Oh, then no I haven't because what I do for a living is really hard to explain" I say sitting with him "Have you?" I ask him "Nope, and it's pretty much for the same reasons as yours" he says with a breathy laugh. 

"So who have you been seeing?" asks making me turn around We just went over that two seconds ago "I just told you no one" I smirk at him "I know that but I thought it sounded better than "Who have you been fucking as of recently" he crosses his arms at me  while leaning against the attached bathroom door"Really want to know who all I've been screwing since you left?" I ask and he nods "Need to know if I need to kick their ass" I roll my eyes " Jackson Shepherd and Ethan Gary" I lean against my dresser. 

His eyes widen "Like at the same time?" he sounds worried "What? No, I was sleeping with Jackson the first month after you left then he got a girlfriend and it's been Ethan ever since" I could see his jaw clench while I took my pants off  "You good?" I ask pulling my shirt over my head and leaving me in my bra and panties "Yeah" mumbles before looking away and readjusting the way he was standing making me look down at myself and then I realized that I was still wearing the black mesh lingerie set from early today...and it's completely see through.

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