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Kiwoo's party

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Kiwoo's party

"Yeah what about me and the girls

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"Yeah what about me and the girls." Jungkook spoke with a demanding tone. By the sound of Namjoon's voice earlier what he said meant danger.

"Oh just that the Chou's are gonna be at the event tomorrow so just be careful." Namjoon told them trying to ease Jungkook's growing temper.

Lisa furrowed her brows the surname sounded very familiar, she's definitely heard it when she was back in Thailand with her parents.

Jennie opened the door with Taehyung accompanied with her, "Whats up?" She asked as she pointed at both Lisa and Jungkook who were standing.

"Oh nothing just waiting for everyone." Lisa replied and sat down.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo arrived seconds after Jennie did and the meeting session began.

Yoongi placed his glass of whiskey down and licked his lips, "We have vip reservations so this will be a quick in and out job."

"Exactly we're only gonna be there no more than 2 hours. We can afford for distractions to hold us back. Especially when people are now trying to get a hold of you." Hoseok explained to the girls.

Chaeyoung leaned forward placing her arms on the table, "So we don't kill anyone not even Kiwoo?" She asked thinking that they would get the info then kill Kiwoo.

Jimin shook his head, "Kiwoo can be a very big asset for us for future plans. When we don't need him then we'll kill him." He said.

"Okay seems fairly easy but what happens when things go wrong." Jennie asked with a brow raised she wanted all options and plans shared. She hates when they are kept in the dark about certain plans that Namjoon has.

"Then we try our best to get the information and leave as quickly as we can. We don't want to make more enemies than we have now." Taehyung responded leaning back on the chair.

"Alright I'm going to gather my stuff." Lisa said and walked out the room.

Jennie noticed something in Lisa's tone so she excused herself and followed Lisa. "Lis wait up!" Jennie raised her voice slightly trying to catch Lisa's attention.

Lisa stopped walking and turned to Jennie, "Whats wrong?"

"I should be asking you that you seem tense." Jennie huffed.

Lisa chewed on the inside of her lip, "I'm just a little nervous Kiwoo is good friends with Hyunsuk and I don't want him to play dirty. Remember he did request for a private session for Jisoo but Hyunsuk refused back when we first starting working." Lisa told Jennie making a horrible memory resurface in Jennie's mind.

Jennie looked down frowning, "I'll tell Namjoon about this but we keep this from Jisoo and the hell away from Kiwoo."

Lisa nodded, "I'll be in my room." She walked away as Jennie watched her figure disappear down the hall.

Chaeyoung bit her fingers lightly she heard what Lisa told Jennie and was nervous about the party. She felt bad for eves dropping and for keeping it a secret from Jisoo but she wanted to protect Jisoo's mental state.

Jisoo fixed her red satin dress and turned to Chaeyoung, "Hey don't be nervous." Jisoo nudged Chaeyoung's arm with a warm smile.

Chaeyoung returned a bleak smile, "I just didn't get good sleep but I'll be fine."

Jin walked in the room fixing his black tie, "You girls ready."

Lisa smacked her lips together and placed the red lipstick down, "Yup."

Yoongi pointed at his hidden mic on his suit, "I'll contact everyone through this. There's a small button on all your dresses press it if you're in trouble our watches will beep when that happens." He explained making sure everyone understood especially Jisoo.

"Alright let's go Sejin will met us there." Jungkook announced.

Heading to the party everyone was slightly tense after hearing about the news between Jisoo and Kiwoo. They worry that Kiwoo would do something bad if he got any remembrance of who Jisoo is.

Exiting the car they saw Su and Sejin in elegant clothes waiting near the fountain. Su smiled widely once she saw everyone.

Sejin hugged Jimin tightly, "It's good to see you again son." He patted Jimin's back.

Jimin smiled, "Same here."

Su turned to Taehyung, "You didn't forget the invitation did you." She raised a brow making Taehyung's jaw drop and everyone chuckle.

"Mom I am greatly offended but no." He took out the nice white with gold lacing invite letter from his suit pocket.

Jennie snickered and shook her head if there's one thing she learned that he can be very forgetful.

They all entered the huge mansion blown away at how many people were inside. The place was nicely decorated and screamed luxury every way you look. They all knew the man was egotistical when they saw the huge self portrait placed on the white wall just above the staircase.

"Follow me I already spoke to Kiwoo he wants us to meet him in his study." Sejin whispered to the group.

Heading up the stairs Jisoo was slightly worried as she realized who Kiwoo was. She remembered the disgusting stares she would get from the man making her skin crawl.

Jin felt her uneasiness and pulled her closer to him, "Relax he won't touch you or look your way." He whispered making her feel safer.

Sejin turned to them, "Whatever information you want from him make sure you ask politely he's a very ill tempered man."

Chaeyoung crosses her fingers hoping that they will get what they need to take down Hyunsuk.

To be continued
|oof late update but
thanks for 45k!|

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