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—ACT TWO : Betrayal At Its Finest

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—ACT TWO : Betrayal At Its Finest

Somi cockily smirked as she walked down the halls of the club. She was happy to be able to complete her first mission with ease. Knocking on the door she heard a voice allowing her to enter.

Hyunsuk was sitting at his desk organizing papers. He lifted his gaze, "What did he say?" He asked returning his attention to his previous task.

"He said he'll bring them in two days. As expected sir, he completely gave up on those girls." Somi responded with a confident grin.

"Great. Remember don't hand him the file until the girls are handed to you. Then the men can kill them and let the girls watch. It will be the start of their torment for leaving this place." He explained making Somi nod.

"Right sir I will be going." She said and left the office. Just as she turned she bumped into another body.

"Watch it!" The female screamed pushing Somi away.

As Somi massaged her arm she looked at the person and scowled. "What are you doing here Tzuyu." She said harshly.

Tzuyu smirked, "That's none of your concern." She retorted and started to walk away.

"You should be grateful to me. I exposed your friend's real intentions and I don't recall getting a thank you." Somi fired back making Tzuyu stop in her tracks.

Tzuyu turned her face red from anger. Quickly she paced towards Somi and slammed her onto the wall tightly gripping her throat. "I'll never be grateful for a little girl butting into business that didn't concern her. If you say any one of their names or even bring up that call I'll have you mutilated and fed to pigs." She spat harshly letting go of Somi's neck.

"Don't even try and provoke me Tzuyu. I could have you gone from this place in a second and no one will protect you." Somi reminded making Tzuyu scoff and walk into Hyunsuk's office.

"Bitch." Somi muttered with hatred.

Namjoon sighed as he placed his phone back on the table. Slightly stressed he ruffled his hair staring at the phone. He felt very conflicted on his decision was he really that desperate to know who killed Jia. His thoughts were cut short.

"Two days huh Namjoon." A voice said scaring Namjoon. He thought he was alone during the call.

"Jimin?" He muttered still startled by being caught. He wasn't at all expecting this. "How long—"

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