6. The Alpha's Offspring

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Great. I've been living an absolute lie. My family and friends are not-so mythical beings and live a whole other world which they kept secret from me for 18 years.

I swear to god if Cobey is a part of this as well, I'm going to have an actual meltdown.

I take a few breaths before looking back up at them. Just shaking my head of pure disbelief. "I...um..." I stutter.

"Ria, this is an insane amount of information to take in" my mother expresses reaching for hands.

"No, this is just insane. There is just no way..."

"Want real proof?" Isaiah interrupts, with a more serious tone.

I frown for a moment, tossing a decision inside my head.

"Yeah sure, go ahead" I lightly say, with a hint of sarcasm in my tone. I'm not trying to out-sass anyone. I just think this entire wolf, cult, pack thing or whatever you want to call it...is just seriously messing with my head.

Isaiah places down one of the chairs he was stacking, and signals with his head to go outside. As a group, all of us follow Isaiah as he walks the opposite direction of town. Down a long, gravelled path towards the woods.

I look back at my parents confused, and they just gave me assuring nods to continue.

Isaiah steps around the large pinewood trees which are the entry to the woods. Its petrichor smell and crisp air immediately settle my nerves. We walked deep into the woods, tripping over some branches and slipping on wet leaves here and there.

After what feels like forever, Isaiah leads us to an open grassland. The long, yellow grass moves briskly against the wind. I slow down, allowing everyone else to walk into the wide grass space before me.

I study our surroundings, wondering its use.

"Ria..." Kelly places her hand on my shoulder, pulling me out of my trance. "Hun, just take a few breaths..."


"Just keep your eyes on me..." she continues.


My breathing begins to slow down, and the air starts to feel heavy. I'm shaking at the sounds, refusing to believe what I think.

"Just concentrate on me..., Ria?"


The lump in my throat, shaky breaths, paled face and frozen stance, stood right in front of the man I thought was my boss. No longer a man...Isaiah's bones cracked and his skin melted into fur as his entire body shifted into a whole new being.

There he stood tall, on all fours, as large as two bears. He stood there with heavy huffs and golden brown fur.

My wide eyes screamed for me. He took a step forward, whilst I took a step back.

I turn to look at Kelly, with my lips slightly parted and my eyebrows scrunched in horror.

My parents stood on the other side of me, holding their breaths as they see my reaction.

"Ria..." Kelly began, "Uh, meet Isaiah- in wolf form. Your father's Beta".

Isaiah's terrifying wolf form walks over to me, I brace myself and flinch a little. But he just bows his head.

"He is your father's right-hand man" Kelly continues explaining. He just stood there, not posing a threat whatsoever. I take a few breaths, and just stop to admire his incredible form. There are just waves of emotions crashing into me, however, I am able to appreciate the purity Isaiah holds, as he bows his head and allows me to take it all in.

"Wow" I breathe out. I smile slightly, even though this entire situation has me a little frightened and confused, it didn't stop me from having complete and utter admiration for the wolf.

Isaiah turns his huge body around and walks back into the forest, out of sight. Kelly notices my confused expression.

"He's shifting back, and doesn't think you're completely ready for that just yet" Kelly answers my unasked question with a small smile on her face. "Now, I would show you my wolf, but I don't think we have time for a showcase. I think...your parents have one more thing they need to tell you?" She looks at my parents, with eyebrows risen to signal them to tell me whatever else they are hiding.

My father clears his throat and steps closer to me, "Uh, yes. You see Ria, the reason why Kellan waltzed in our territory and demanded to see me is because I am the Alpha of the Urbanian Pack, that you already know".

I nod my head at one of the many surprises I was given today. His tone was off and I could feel a 'but' coming.


There it is.

"I'm stepping down from the position in about a month's time" I raise my eyebrows at my father's news.

"Ok...so what?" I ask.

"Packs without Alphas are extremely vulnerable-"

"What, so Kellan wants to take over the Urbanian Pack?" I ask confused at this news.

"No, no. He is already Alpha of the Hytherin Pack. He wants to make sure the Alpha position here is smoothly transitioned to the right person so our territory isn't made vulnerable to the council or other packs. He's putting a lot of pressure on my decision."

"Why does he even care?" I spit out. Just the idea of Kellan made me sick.

"Because if we attract too much attention, and a lot more people know about my stepping down. It could get messy." He finishes and breaths out carefully.

Isaiah walks back, just some torn shorts on and gives me a tight but friendly smile. I gladly return it.

All five of us remained silent for a couple of minutes. Although being the awkward person I was, I stutter a little and ask "Uhh-um...h-have you chosen someone?" I clear my throat trying to get it together.

"Well...I've consulted a few people. But they're just not suitable".

I nod in understanding, but my father was giving me sympathetic eyes and I could see he was having an inner-conflict with himself.

"Usually..." he begins, deciding to tell me his inner-conflict, "Uh, usually Alpha positions go to the current Alpha's offspring".

Piercing. Silence.

My father was the current Alpha. I'm the offspring.

I've always been a literature girl; however, life math came very easily to me. Especially rare situations like this one.

My father and mother have never looked so intense. My mouth was dry and this time, I couldn't move.

I feel very lightheaded and unsure of how to respond. I clear my throat trying to concentrate. It is very difficult.

"Yeah, that's kind of you, Ria" Isaiah speaks up.

Everyone waiting for my response.



Hope you guys enjoyed,



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