Xander x (Fem.) Reader - A proposition

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(A/N)- Him. Yes.

"What do you mean she's sick? We need Effie for our next battle!" You scolded Jakob after hearing the dire news. "By the lords.. what will I do! Damn!"

"M'Lady.. perhaps Benny would see fit?" Jakob suggested, trying his best to help any way he could.

"No no.. you see-" before she could finish, (Y/N)'s treehouse door was practically slammed open. The sound of armor clanking approached you and Jakob.

"Oh- Xander, uh- Hello." you smiled cheerfully. You were always happy to see him.

"(Y/N), I couldn't help but overhear you needed someone on the front lines, perhaps I could suggest myself. I've been training-" before he could finish, you cut him off with a sigh.

"Oh Xander.. believe me, I know you've been training. I catch you doing it all the time when you should be asleep." You scolded him with a passive aggressive tone, a frown on your face.

Xander sighed; he knew you were right. Perhaps he did train too much. Xander stayed quiet for a few seconds; just when he was about to speak, Jakob interrupted. "Lady (Y/N) perhaps you should get some rest, we have a long day of preparation tomorrow.."

"Thank you Jakob.. I suppose you're right, it is getting rather late.. Xander, we can continue this conversation in the morning.. I need to think."

Xander huffed, and nodded obediently. He might've been Nohr's 'Crown Prince', But he was weak when it came to you, and preferred to obey his 'Little Princess'; Xander couldn't say no to you for his own reasons.

Around 1:00 am...

You just couldn't sleep. Perhaps it was the thought of losing the next battle, or the thought of a certain someone who is almost determined he can help out in the next fight." You let out a deep sigh, looking out your treehouse window, when you just happened to see him.

You grumbled, "Of course he's training at this time.."

You practically leaped out of bed, wrapping yourself in a silk robe, climbing down the treehouse steps.

"Xander! I swear I'm gonna beat you!" You called out to him. The prince raised a brow, turning around. When he noticed it was you, he grinned and sheathed his blade.

"Now now little princess, what are you doing up this late." He crossed his arms, towering over you.

"I was trying to sleep when I happened to see you doing exactly what I told you not to do." You scoffed, looking up at the rather tall man.

"Someone's a bit grumpy, but I see. If it'll make you feel better, I'll go to bed.." He smirked.

"You can't just think- wait what." Your (E/C) orbs widened, your jaw practically dropping to the floor. You were frozen for a minute, until the sound of Xander's deep voice aided you to snap out of it.

"Well? Shall I walk you to your room..?" He smiled, holding his gloved hand out to yours.

"I uh- Well, uhm-". Though your own hand was shaking, you decided to take his. "Sure."

Moments passed...

"It's a rather beautiful night, isn't it?" He smiled at her.

"I suppose so.." you swallowed. This had to have been a dream, you were going to wake up soon, what if you just- You shut your eyes tightly, stopping in place. Xander glances at you with a risen brow as you pinched yourself with your free fingers.

"Well what did you do that to yourself for? Did you think you were- oh, I see." He chuckled.

His laugh sent shivers down your spine, your breath rigid. "I-I didn't know if-" before you could finish, you felt a pair of lips press into yours, molding against your own. After a few seconds that seemed like minutes, he pulled away with a smile.

"I've wanted to do that for a while now.." he laughed devilishly. "(Y/N) may I ask you something.. a proposition perhaps."

You were frozen in place, but you nodded, willing to listen to what he had to say.

"I want you to be my queen after we win this war.. I want my little princess to stay with me for as long as I live." He smiled, taking your hand tightly. He reached into a slip in his armor, pulling out a small, velvet box. The stars looked down from above as he dropped to one knee, revealing a beautiful ring.

"(Y/N), Will you marry me?"

You couldn't control yourself, a tear ran down your cheek. You hadn't wanted to admit it, but you loved him too, you really loved him, it's why you worried about him so much; and now you knew he felt the same.

"Xander, Of course I'll marry you.."

"How thrilled I am to here you say that.."

He leaned in for one last kiss, you wrapped your arms around him, shutting your eyes, blocking out everything else that had been on your mind, for this was all you desired, someone you could truly love.

For this proposition, was the best he's ever made.


So cheesy, I'm sorry!

(A/N)- I really hope you enjoyed the first out of hopefully many Oneshots! This was a fluff of sorts and I'm happy I was able to write it. Xander is such a sweet character and though I dislike fates, I'll always love him.

Feel free to comment any ideas or requests! Thank you.

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