Legault X Reader - Nicknames

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(A/N)- this was suggested by an irl love u man.
This seems out of character to me but uh yeah.

"Hey.. that doesn't go there."

You jumped, dropping the knives and swords Lyn had asked you to put away.

You turned around, noticing the 'Assassin' sneak up on you. "Oh.. Legault, care to help me?" You smiled. You hadn't expected to see him since he told you he had some, 'business' to attend to, but here he was.

Legault sighed, he wasn't one to say no to someone he felt deeply for. He also wasn't one to show it though. He groaned.

"I suppose so.. though I'd rather not, (Y/N).." He scoffed.

You shrugged, "Whatever you say.. dad."

Legault raised a brow. "That's all? You're not going to do anything about-  wait dad? Why'd you call me that?" His face went pale.

You began laughing, running your hand through your (H/L), (H/C) hair. "Just joking around." You shrugged, shaking your head.

"Well, I suppose it's normal. I've been called uncle as well, you're not the only one to use strange nicknames." He sighed.

"I just wish you could see me as more.." Legault muttered.

"More?" You indulged, raising a brow.

"Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry your little head." Legault smirked, patting your head.

"Oh." Was all you could respond with.

What did he mean? He couldn't have meant- no.. no no. Of course he didn't mean anything like 'that' he wasn't one to catch feelings; at least.. you didn't think so.

"Well, I guess I should finish up here-" before you could finish, you felt a pair of soft lips against your own, molding over each other. You groaned into the kiss, surprised by the sudden gesture.

Legault pulled away, his rough hand resting on your chin.

"Well, I suppose I should just tell you then, since you seem so bothered." He smirked.

"I've caught some feelings for you, a little while now." He chuckled.

"You're one of the best people I've ever met, and I couldn't be more- well, happy." His voice went softer, and his arm stretched behind his neck, scratching it awkwardly.

"I suppose I'm just saying- it's nice to have someone you can trust in times like these, and because of that, I suppose I've caught feelings."

He smiled a genuine smile, something you hadn't thought you'd ever see, especially like this. Sure, he joked a lot, but this smile was.. different. You felt his built proportions press against your own. His lips folding over your own once again. After a second you pulled away just a bit.

"L-Legault.. I love you too." You smiled against his lips. "I have for a while as well."

"Well, if that's the case, I'd prefer you not call me dad.." He chuckled.

"How about, 'My Love'." You raised a brow.

"Perfect." Legault smiled, kissing you once more.


-This one wasn't too good-
So, my apologies.
I wanted to do something with nicknames.. but yeah. Haha.

Legault is the Superior Black Fang member.

Comment opinions or requests.~

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