L! Ephraim: Relief (🍋)

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(A/N)- I have been so bored recently.. so this.. this is happening finally.

!!!) This is a lemon! It contains explicit content so please skip if you aren't into that.

Anyways, yeah.. this is gonna' be the first lemon of the series.. so here we go. I'm a little rusty so excuse that.


"Finally.. a new hero.."  you grumbled, patting down your robes and facing the silhouette. When it approached you stood still, holding your hand out, preparing to meet whoever would appear from the mysterious fog.

"I am Prince Ephraim of Renai-" before he could finish you fist pumped the air, leaping, and even doing a little dance.

"YES! A LEGENDARY HERO TOO?? Today's a good day.." you took his hand excitedly and began shaking it. "Oh how wonderful it is to meet you! I haven't found anyone for weeks now, so a legendary hero is always good to see, and honestly, a relief!" You explained.

"I'm a.. Legendary hero..?" I mean, I was only able to defeat the demon king thanks to all of those who lent their strength to me.." he explained, a bit flustered to be treated like a hero right off the bat.

"Oh but you and your friends have all made history! Ah- I'll indulge later, but I should show you around and explain exactly what's going on and why you're here." You took his hand, leading him into the castle.


After explaining what had been going on, you had spent months together training for the final battle with Hel. Ephraim had gotten so strong and you were honestly quite proud of him, and as his levels increased your bond with him did as well.

You and your army had been camping out in a rather ghostly and mysterious wood. It was late one night and you couldn't get any rest whatsoever, so you had decided to take a late night patrol of the nearby surroundings. While doing so, you had passed Ephraim's tent; mysteriously, a faint light was on and muffled grunts and whispers could be heard ever so faintly coming from the tent.

You were quite worried, it sounding like sobs- so you decided to take a little peek inside. Ever so quietly you tugged open the curtain and peered into the tent. His back was facing you and his armor was laying all over the floor. You glanced over to him, and could have sworn you heard him repeating your name under his breath. You were left somewhat confused until you glanced towards his arm.

Your face lit up and you let out a Yelp. Ephraim quickly gathered himself and turned around, his face was bright red and he basically owned the look of embarrassment.

"I-I'm so sorry- I thought-" you were rambling and stuttering like crazy, not sure what to say.

Ephraim covered his face for a second, he couldn't bring himself to even glance towards you.

"I-I'm so sorry- it wasn't what it-" he was cut off by you closing the curtain behind you, stepping in.

"I- were you saying my name..?" You asked almost silently.

All Ephraim could bring himself to do was nod, almost ashamed to do so. You fiddled with your hands, then ran them through your hair.

"If you'd like.. I.. I can help.." You muttered, quite embarrassed you're even asking.

Ephraim's eyes widened, he glanced up towards you. "(Y-Y/N)... you don't.. have to-" You cut him off "I like you.. a lot."-

It felt so nice to get that off your chest; you took a deep breath, then sat down next to him.

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