Zelgius x Reader- The past.

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(LOVE Zelgius. I wasn't going to make the setting in Heroes originally but I will be completely honest with you all, it is so much easier.)

Zelgius is reminded of his family and Gawain, so you help him out. Basically I just want Zelgius to be happy.

Warnings (Zelgius gets edgy and says some harsh stuff, Nothing too bad.)

Anyways! Enjoy!

You were getting used to summoning at this point, it happened every day, though it wasn't always heroes.

You needed a 'tank' in your barracks, it would make specific battles so much easier and mages and frail swordsmen really just wouldn't cutting it for the time being, so you said goodbye to what you've been saving, and decided to risk summoning a certain someone.

Your current team gathered around, consisting of Fjorm, Lucius, and Brave Ike.
With everyone there you began the summoning, the stone rose for a second, then a familiar face to someone on your current team appeared. With a rush to his step Ike swung the mighty Urvan back, only for the swing to be blocked by a blessed sword.

"You.." Ike spat.

"Son of Gawain, we meet again."

You waved your arms around, stepping between the two enemies, "Woah woah woah- Let us settle down now." You breathed out. The Black Knight sheathed his weapon whilst Ike lowered his, resting it on the ground.

The knight turned to face you, removing his helmet. "I am General Zelgius, I suppose it is now my duty to protect you." He bowed.

You were a little more nervous than relieved he was polite to you; there was just a clash of weapons and now everything's okay? Well, Ike didn't look to good but he had his reasons and you knew this would probably happen.

"It is-" you took a deep breath. "It is nice to finally meet you, I am (Y/N), first and foremost though, I'd like to apologize to Ike." You turned to face him.

"It was my choice to summon one of your enemies and I was worried about telling you; we needed power like this in our army.

Ike sighed, he nodded in agreement, scratching his head. "I suppose it is fine, I understand. Though I can't say I am thrilled to be fighting alongside my enemy."

You nodded. You knew this would be hard for him due to his history with the general and his father. The rest of your team awkwardly walked up, shaking hands with the general.

Ike frowned, he reached his hand out to Zelgius. The general took his hand in return, shaking it.

"For now, we are comrades." Ike nods.

"For now." Spoke Zelgius.

You let out a sigh of relief. Ike took Urvan, turning on his heel and stepping away, following the rest of his teammates.

"Hm, I suppose I'll show you around?" You offered. Zelgius nods, following close behind you. You had to admit, his presence was quite intimidating, it was hard to even muster up words- and telling by the way he'd raise a brow, he noticed your lack of performing correct sentences.

After a few hours of wandering the castle with Zelgius, the tour had come to a close.

"That's it for the tour, is there anything you need before I show you to your room." You tilted your head.

"No, but I wouldn't mind company, I suppose, I'd like to get to know who I'm serving for the time being." He turned to you. "I also don't think some of the people here will find much comfort speaking with me." He glanced at a passing Tibarn and Reyson, who weren't giving him the most friendly of looks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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