Eliwood X (Fem.)Reader - A New Life..

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(A/N)- Thanks for the request @EmblemOfWaves ! Eliwood is such a sweet character! It took some planning.. but i'm pretty excited for this..! This was my first FE game so it's nice to bring it back.. I just hope I can get as accurate as possible since it's been quite a bit.

WARNING- This one starts off pretty depressing/ Blood

The younger sibling you have in this isn't a character or a real person.. just somebody I made up.


One by one, the houses were being torn apart. Screams could be heard next door. You and your younger sister were hiding in a closet. She began softly crying into your arm. It was quiet later on, until the sound of your homes door hitting the ground echoed through the room.

You covered your sisters mouth, both of you shaking. "Shh!"

Footsteps could be heard outside the closet, loud ones. They approached, closer and closer until they stopped at the door. Your sister began shaking, covering her mouth. After a few minutes, you took a sharp breath of relief until the doors were swung open. You yelped when the man took your younger sister.

"Hikaru!" You screamed.

Another man took your younger sister, she was screaming and crying while being dragged out the door by her small arm.

"(Y-Y/N)!" She cried out.

You were soon taken by the waist, thrown over some brutes back. He laughed and carried you out the back door, separating you from Hikaru. Everything was quiet, your head was ringing when you felt a large hand knock you out.


When you woke up, you were looking into a pair of large blue eyes.

"She's awake! I told you she was alive Hector!" The man smiled, his arm resting on your upper back, holding you. Your eyes fluttered open and your vision adjusted. You could see three people staring at you. A beautiful woman with Green hair, A rather masculine man with blue hair and bulky armor, and the man holding you, his red hair vibrant and rather beautiful when it fell to his face. His icy blue eyes sparkled when he saw you were okay. You snapped out of it, putting a hand on your head and sitting up.

"Are you okay? I'm Eliwood, this is Lyn, and the big guy over there is Hector.. we found your village in ruins, so we came to see if anyone survived." He smiled.

"W-Where is Hikaru..?" you managed to get out.

"Who is Hikaru?" Lyn questioned with a frown.

You shot up, stumbling to your feet. "Oh god- where is-" You froze.

Everything was in ruin, your hometown was in flames. Bodies lay everywhere, blood stained the grass at your feet. Tears filled up your eyes as you ran towards the village square, that's when you saw her. Hikaru's small body lay on the ground just outside your home. Tears swelled in your eyes as you fell to her side.

"H-Hikaru..? Come on.. big sister is here now, p-please! Please wake up.." you whispered.

Lyn, Eliwood, and Hector came into view, they all had the look of disgust and terror in there expressions. Eliwood muttered. "They killed the woman and children too.. we really were too late.." he said while looking down, choosing to hide his sad expression.

You began shaking Hikaru. "Please.. Please wake up!" You paused and began screaming.



It had been over two years since that day. You decided to join the three, knowing it was your last chance at having a decent life and honestly, you couldn't have made a better decision. You had become a rather powerful Myrmidon and made a lot of new friends. Since the war has ended, Eliwood invited you to live with him in Pherae. The two of you had been pretty close for a short while now; some could even call you best friends. He has done everything for you since you met, and he had helped you get over your dear sister Hikaru's untimely passing. He was amazing, and you hadn't realized it, but you fell in love with him. When he has asked for you to live in the castle with him in Pherae, you couldn't have been more excited. He meant everything to you now, and you were glad he was there to be by your side.

Eliwood had asked to meet you on the castles main balcony. You were wearing a long nightgown with flowers printed on the bottom. The gown belonged to your mother, so when you found it was untouched, you were elated.

When you arrived, Eliwood was still in his armor, staring out into the distance. He heard your soft footsteps approach, turning around to look you in the eyes.

"Ah, (Y/N).. I'm glad you could make it, I was worried you'd be asleep.. it is rather late.. and, well.. I know it's-"

"Two years ago.. I know.. but that's in the past now Eliwood.. this is the future, and I can finally be happy." You smiled, looking out into the distance and leaning onto the balcony railing, the wind blowing through your (H/L) hair.

He smiled at you, fascinated by not only your appearance, but that hopeful look in your eyes. "Well, i'll never get over how good that gown looks on you.. everytime you wear it around the castle, people can't help but stare." He spoke softly, then added. "I.. can't help but stare.." he smiled at the sky then turned to you.

"You're really just.. so beautiful and I-" He paused.

"Eliwood.. I-I love you too.." you smiled. You weren't sure how, but you just knew he was going to say that. With how close you two have gotten, it didn't come by surprise.

Eliwood had one of the most genuinely happy smiles on his face, he wrapped one broad arm around you, pulling you close to himself and placing a long passionate kiss on your lips. He smoothed your hair back.

You both seemed to be enjoying the moment of silence with bottled up feelings of love you felt for one another.  It was amazing. You had thought you had lost everything, but you gained something, no.. someone more. You weren't going to loose that either.. because this, this was your new life.

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