day fifty five

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it's 3am why aren't you sleeping?

Couldn't sleep. why aren't you sleeping?


would you uh...
would you mind joining me rn ?

oh uh, no, not at all
why tho?

I want to see you. And talk to you.

oh, alright. Where do you want to meet up?

I'm on the roof.

you what??

come up there, it's nice I swear

..alright, I'm coming

I'll be waiting.


"Isn't this forbidden ?" The brunette asked as she sat next to Lisa, the latter was sitting on the edge of the roof, her feet hanging in the void.

"Probably" She shrugged. "But I like this place."

"Mh, I can see why" She smiled softly, looking up at the sky, the stars shining brightly (but not as much as the girl beside her).

"How are you?" Lisa asked after a few seconds, looking at Jennie for the first time since the latter arrived.

"Fine" She said, before a cold wind made her shiver. "A bit cold, I guess" She chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Lisa said, taking off the cover that was around her to let Jennie slide in with her, bringing the two girls even closer than before. "Here you go" She added with a shy smile. Jennie's cheeks were bright red, the two girls hadn't been this close since the incident, but she had missed it.

"Thank you" She said, her tone so low it almost came out as a whisper. Lisa was looking straight into her eyes.

"Jennie.. I wanted to talk to you, because you know, I didn't apologize." Lisa started slowly, taking Jennie aback. She wasn't expecting this.

"You... you have nothing to apologize for, Lisa"

"I do. I mean, I did flirt with you, like, a lot. I guess I wasn't really thinking about how I could be annoying you and stuff. But then, I just let you down, and I feel bad for that." The younger girl had never looked so small, she was staring at her feet, and her voice was slightly shaking.

"Lisa..." Jennie had never felt worst than it that moment, seeing her like that broke her heart "You did nothing wrong. I would've stopped talking to you if you actually annoyed me. And you had a reason to leave, a good reason. I'm the only one who was wrong." She paused for a few seconds, bringing her hand to Lisa's face to make her look at her. "You're here now, that's all that matter to me"

Lisa gave the brunette a sad smile, before putting her hand around her shoulder, bringing Jennie closer to her. "I missed you nini"

Jennie smiled, putting her head on Lisa's shoulder. "I missed you too, lili"

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