day fifty six (2)

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It was nearly 4am, both of the girls had changed into more comfortable clothes.

(Lisa's oversized tee shirt made Jennie crazy, the way it showed her bare shoulder... it shouldn't be allowed to wear that. Or maybe it should. Maybe Lisa should only wear that.)

"What's that?" Jennie had asked when Lisa took out a bottle of wine. Lisa only looked at her, dumbfounded.

"" she answered.



"I know this is wine Lisa. But why did you bring wine?"

"ah" Lisa nodded. "Well, two reasons. The first is, it's fun to drink and alcohol helps easing things up. So we definitely need this. And the second was in case you didn't come, then I would have needed it anyway"

"oh" Jennie only laughed. There wasn't anything funny, really, but she laughed at the situation. Laughed at them, and how pathetic they were. Lisa joined her soon after, and they both started drinking straight from the bottle.

The wine was disgusting. Jennie couldn't lie. But she didn't really care, because she was feeling good thanks to Lisa, and the cheap alcohol somehow made her feel even better.

"You were planning on getting drunk alone and with wine ?" Jennie had asked after a while, already feeling tipsy as the empty bottle was dismissed somewhere on the floor. She scoffed "Expensive"

Lisa laughed. "Well, I figured it would look better than getting drunk alone and with vodka."

"I see"

"And vodka was expensive. Mainly that."

"Wine is more expensive! Wait, actually, this one is probably way less expensive. It's disgusting"

Lisa laughed "I've had this wine for ages, dumb present from I don't remember who, but it's free alcohol so who am I to refuse"

"Yeah, now that makes sense" The girls laughed even harder, and Lisa took another bottle, already starting to drown the -disgusting- liquid, Jennie following quick after.

They were starting to get drunk. Lisa knew this, because she couldn't remember how much she had drank. One bottle had finished thrown off the roof, and Lisa thought they were lucky enough for not getting caught up there.

"Did you... Really brought" -hiccup- "three" -hiccup- "b-bottles of wine ?" Jennie asked mockingly.

"three ? I thought it was four?" She attempted to answer with her voice not shaking (it was a failure)

"Was it?"

"It was"

"Shit" Jennie giggled. "We're... we're....."

"Very mature people that drink wine because we're" -hiccup- "classy"

"Ah yes" -hiccup- "I was going to say completely wasted but-" -hiccup- "classy it is"  There was a pause, the brunette seemed to think about something. "But did we drink the two bottles though?"


"right, four. So did we?"

"I don't know, did we?"

"I don't know"



Another pause, if it wasn't for the city noises and the two girls's frequents hiccups, it would have been completely silent.

"Hey" Lisa said, not long after. Or maybe long after, she didn't remember. "Do you want to dance?" Jennie shrugged.

"I can't dance"

"I'll teach you"

"There isn't any music"

"Does it matter ?"




"I want to dance with you" Lisa pouted.

"You're a child"

"Say you"

"what? I'm not a child."

"You are"

"am not"

"you are"

"am not"

"dance with me"


And they danced.

Well, tried to. Because as soon as they got up, Jennie fell to the ground, bringing Lisa with her. It was ridiculous, they were ridiculous. But since no one was there to laugh at them, they did that themselves. Bursting into laughter at how absurd they looked. They didn't care, anyway, because they were with each other, and they were happy. And as drunk as she was, Jennie was still aware of the fact that it was the first time that happened. And she smiled widely.

They didn't got up. It's not that they didn't want to, but the world around them was spinning hard, and, well, they couldn't get up even if they'd tried to.

The blanket was still around Jennie's shoulder, and Lisa went underneath it, spooning the brunette.

Jennie was pretty drunk, but not drunk enough to not be aware of their position, and she felt her cheeks heating up.

"I'm sleepy" Lisa said




And Lisa fell asleep.
Jennie followed soon after, and she didn't know if it was because of the alcohol or because of the girl beside her, but for the first time in forever, she slept well.


So, to everyone who asked, you have your answer now :)
They didn't did.. it.
(They are  p u r e  okay)

(...for now)

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