day fifty six (4)

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"So," Jennie started, taking out her laptop and joining Lisa on her bed, "Do you want to watch a movie ?"

The younger girl grinned. "Sure, let's watch an horror movie!"

"uh," Jennie gulped. She was planning on watching a disney movie, or a stupid rom com. Not an horror movie. Gosh, her heart won't handle it. "Sure" She forced a smile, but Lisa immediately noticed that something was off.

"You're scared, aren't you?"

"What? Me? Nope. That's ridiculous. I love horror movies"

Lisa laughed. "Sure, I believe you"

"Hey! That's true!" Jennie pouted.

"Okay then, there's this super scary film, you know lots of blood and violence and stuff. I heard most people couldn't watch it 'til the end because of how scary it was" Lisa said casually, searching the movie on netflix for them to watch. Jennie only gulped, nodding slowly.

"Okay, cool"



Lisa smirked. "Let's go then"

Jennie didn't make it past the first fifteen minutes of the film.

And Lisa's arm had suffered, badly.

When the first scary scene came on, the older girl had taken the other's arm, squeezing it as if her life depended on it, her eyes shut tightly. When Lisa understood that Jennie would definitely not open her eyes again (and when she started to stop feeling her arm), she stopped the movie, bringing Jennie into a hug.

"You know, if you didn't want to watch it you could have just told me" She said with a playful tone.



"I don't want to seem like a loser"

Lisa shook her head, softly stroking the other girl's hair. "Jen, please, I know you now, you don't have to worry about such things" Jennie nodded, smiling widely. "I know you're a loser, you don't have to pretend"

Jennie hit Lisa on the shoulder. Hard (well, as hard as she was able to)

"Ouch" lisa said, pretending to be hurt.

"You deserved it."

"I guess I did" She chuckled. "So, Disney?"


(hey, no one probably cares, but I guess everyone saw the amount of hate Jennie is getting at the moment because of her "lazy" performance. Honestly, this makes me so sad, Jennie doesn't deserve this. She has worked so hard to get there, and it breaks my heart to see how much people are insulting her for literally nothing,,,
Let's just support her, comment nice things on her instagram posts etc, and let's not spread negativity. She deserves better,,,)

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