Chapter 4

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Sophia's POV

Camp was ending in two weeks and Olivia is still being difficult. I even looked up half way from where we both would be is in Missouri. Thats how bad I want to know the truth. I know I shouldnt keep going, but I think its whats best for all of us.

"Sophia, where is that twin of yours?" The owner asks.

"Im not sure why?" I ask.

"Cause we need someone who can draw and I saw her doing it the other day. Never mind I'll find her." The owner says.

I decided to go look for Olivia as well. She is alot more then she likes to think she is and I know I could really have a sister here if she would just let me.

Emma's POV

Neal had come to town like Regina said and he and I went on a few dates. They were nice, but Im not so sure. I mean after all I have a daughter who is my everything. I have to take things slow.

"Im telling you the truth. Now.... Oh Hi Miss.Swan." Margot says.

"Hey Margot. Archie. What are you two up too?" I ask.

"Nothing." Margot says.

"Yeah its nothing. Other then a very off call I got from Olivia. She sounded upset." Archie says.

"Wait she called you? Like crying or something? Livy doesnt cry." I say.

"I told you Liv doesnt cry." Margot says.

"Well she did and it was a voicemail and she either was about to cry or she just finished crying. Im not sure, but she was." Archie says.

"Can I hear the message please?" I ask.

He pulled out his phone and played the message and Liv we really upset. Something upset my daughter and yet she calls him. Well they have been friends since forever, but yet why was she so unhappy? That doesnt sound like the Olivia who showed up a couple years ago. It actually sounds like the old Livy before she changed.

Killian's POV

Seeing August made me alittle sad. Mainly because it reminds me that I had a child who will never know me. I know Emma and I said it was for the best and yet I cant decide if I believe that now.

"Um... Mr.Jones my mom is on the phone for you." Sam says.

"Well it is Tuesday." I say.

"Yeah I know the day she doesnt trust me to behave or something." He says.

"Sam your mother is just trying to make sure you end up better then well... Your father." I say.

"Well Im 20 years old and I would never want to hurt someone like he hurt her. I just wish she would trust me." He says.

"Maybe its me she doesnt trust. After all I did marry quick and then ended up divorce alittle over a year later. So its most likely me she has a problem with." I say.

"Yeah... Maybe." He says and walked out.

I answered quickly and told Belle everything was fine and that I had to go. I felt bad for him having to watch his mom be hurt by his father and having to watch that jerk come in and out of his life. I guess it would have been the same if we kept the girls together. One of us would have been causing pain to them. I guess we did make the right choice.

Olivia's POV

I was so upset on the day we got our phones that I called a friend who didnt answer and I cried. Its not like me to cry, but it happened. I cried cause everything I learned upset me and it all came crashing down all at once. Maybe I do need someone to talk to and I know just who.

"Hey Sophia. Can we talk?" I ask.

"Finally." Sophia says.

"Look I want you to know that all this stuff about us being twins and everything else is just alot. So I think we should do something." I say.

"Do what? I ask them about how they happened?" She asks.

"Sure and if they dont tell all I have a plan B. That will come later first things first. Call me Livy and lets get to really know each other." I say.

"Okay Livy. Lets do just that. Oh and call me Sophie or Soph either will do." She says.

Before I knew it we were talking and found out we have a lot in common. Maybe its actually a good thing I have a sister after all. Someone who I can actually talk to about everything without feeling weird. Huh... I guess having a sister wont be so bad after all.

A/N: I hope you all like it so far and please let me know what you think. Oh and also Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it.

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