9. À coeur vaillant rien d'impossible.

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This whole week has been so tiring. With work, and getting ready for France. Kate has been spending the nights in my apartment and it has been really and ultimately fun. We had planned a lot actually.  Since we will be spending a month there, we decided to go everywhere. Not literally. Since I took French as an elective in high school and spent a year in France after high school, I can speak French fluently. 

I also have visited many popular attractions and non-popular attractions. And we still have two more days before our flight which is on Sunday late morning. Which means, we will arrive there during the night. Our flight is at 10 AM and since it takes around 8 hours from JFK to Charles de Gaulle Airport (the France international airport), we will possibly arrive at 10 PM. According to the US time, we will be arriving at 4 PM but due to the fact that New York is behind France by 6 hours, the France time will be 10 PM.

We have decided to go to the popular attractions first and then spend more time in Provence, Brittany, Biarritz, and Alsace Villages. We will be staying in Paris for a night. Paris doesn't really have much except for Eiffel Tower and The Louvre. After Paris, we will be staying for another night in Versailles to visit the famous palace. After we visit the famous attractions, we will start by going to Brittany followed by Alsace Villages and Biarritz. Lastly, we will spend our time in Provence and then go back to CDG.

-----------------------------The Next Day-----------------------------

Kate and I are very prepared for our trip. But she is more worried than I am. I can actually contact some old friends I made when I spent the year abroad which made her calmer. And the fact that I fluently speak French and that I spent a year in Provence. It is my favorite place out of all the others. She said that she was glad we were paired up because she would freak if she was paired with someone as clueless as she was. And to be honest, I am too. Glad that it's her. And I made sure she knows that.

To keep her mind off of the stress and worries, she decided to learn a little French. Like the basics. Just in case I wasn't there. That's not the real reason though. I'm not sure what is. But I can't let her think that there will be a time where I won't be beside her. Because she will have a mental breakdown.

"À coeur vaillant rien d'impossible," Kate suddenly spoke.

I turned to see her and spoke, "To a valiant heart, nothing impossible." She nodded.

"It's suitable for you," she says politely.

"How so?"

"It's not impossible for you to get over Izaaq and Zach. You just have to have a valiant heart."

We smiled as I taught her more French for the day.

----------------------------The Next Day----------------------------

We have all of our stuff with us. Our passports, ids, and plane tickets. We have 5 hours until out boarding time which is 9 AM. We checked in our luggage as the counter has already opened. We had our breakfast and we waited until our boarding time. We were relaxing at the waiting area for passengers and suddenly they called out for passengers on our flight. Saying that we are ready to board. Kate and I stood up and waited in line.

Once we were aboard the plane, we waited until the seatbelt sign was off and opened our phones. On airplane mode, of course. Kate opened Netflix to watch some movies that she had downloaded earlier. I, on the other hand, opened my favorite playlist and got ready to sleep. Most of the songs in there are sung by my favorite male singer, Shawn Mendes. 

After 8 hours on the plane, we finally arrived. I can hear Kate silently screaming. I laughed at how cute she is being. We exited the plane and stopped by at a nearby toilet. Of course, it is like a tradition for human beings. Going to the toilet after exiting a plane. We then went to baggage claim and took all our baggage. We saw our driver outside holding a sign; Mademoiselle Allen et Mademoiselle Jensen. He helped us with our luggage and then told me about our plan tomorrow and when he is going to be picking us up. He also suggested us a few places to eat.

Once we reached the hotel, he gave me his number and said to call him if there's anything we need. I thanked him once he finished helping us bring up our luggage. He said goodbye to us and gave us a few tips on how the showers work in France. Apparently, it is different than New York. I honestly couldn't really remember much about the little things when I was in France a couple years ago. Kate and I were jet-lagged and went to sleep immediately after removing our makeup, brushed our teeth, put on our skincare routine and changed our shirts into nightgowns.

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