10. The Past Stays in The Past

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We have been in France for two weeks now.  I met an old friend when we were in Versailles and we had exchanged phone numbers and addresses. Just in case we needed to contact each other. We are currently in Provence and we have another 2 weeks to spend. We had a call from Fiona saying that our return is delayed to another 2 weeks. Which means we get to spend more time in France.  So, we decided to spend them in Provence.  Kate wanted a place where she could relax but at the same time, have fun. With lots of places to eat and spend our time, Provence is perfect.

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened between you and Izaaq? I mean, you guys seemed so happy," Kate spoke up while we were eating ice cream, enjoying the view of Provence from our hotel balcony. I sighed.

"He loved someone else. Someone he once loved."

"He got back with his ex?!"

"Yeah. I never thought he would do that. It's so not him. But I guess I didn't know him well. And, I don't really care that you wanna know. Or wanna talk bad about him and his girlfriend; Jessica Watson."

"Isn't that the girl you interviewed?" She sounded surprised.

"Yeah. You know her or something?"

"Something. The day you interviewed her, she accidentally stopped at my level and when I said that she was at the wrong level, she started saying bad things. Cursing and stuff. What is she? Is she like royalty?"

"She is a bartender," I laughed at Kate's reaction. 

"But there's something more, aren't there?"

"What in the hell are you talking about," I asked as I licked the side of my ice cream.

"There's more to the story. I wanna know what it is." 

I rolled my eyes at curiosity. I sighed before starting the story, "Izaaq, Jess, Zach and I went to the same high school in New Jersey-"

"Hold up! Zach? As in Zach Goldstein from photography?" she interrupted me.

"Yes. Now please do not interrupt me. Any questions, you can ask after. Okay?" she nodded and I continued, "Anyways, we went to the same high school. In freshman year, I had a crush on Izaaq. But he had a girlfriend; Jess. And some basic bitch found out and told him. So, he rejected me which was predicted. But Jess, she... she didn't like it. Not even after he rejected me. So, she made it her life's mission to make my high school life miserable. Anyways, in order for me to forget Izaaq, I had to like someone else-"

"Ooh. Like a rebound guy!" she interrupted me again and immediately says sorry once she realized it.

"As I was saying, I had to like someone else in order to get over Izaaq. So, I asked my best friend, Nicole, to find me a guy for me to like. And she looked for guys around my age. Freshmen and sophomores. But none of them, I wanted. Until I saw Zach. But he wasn't a freshman or a sophomore. He was a senior. 4 years older than me. But I liked him. And a first, we talked on MySpace but he then gave me his number so that I could just IM him. And I did. And we talked for a month. We just had a connection. It was weird. Sometimes we would flirt with each other that made me thought he liked me too. So I then decided to tell him how I truly feel about him. But, he rejected me. But even after that, we still talked. And he still flirted with each other. But I, I can't stop thinking about him. And what I had for him, it was unhealthy. Which meant that I had to stop caring about him. So, I wished him luck for his finals and told him that we will never talk to each other again and that I was going to delete his number. Things got a little too emotional for me that night. But for my whole life, Jessica has never stopped making me miserable."

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