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Kinda Important?: I changed Kook's appearance a little bit so that he has tatoos because, why not like, damn 😏. Anyways I'm back with another chapter.


Three Weeks after Tae's Bday


"Fuck, he's so hot!" I said to myself staring at the post Tae just posted a few hours ago.




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liked by Jeon_jk, Mochi_chim and 2,968,371 Beautaeful Dyed my hair again 💜💜💜

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liked by Jeon_jk, Mochi_chim and 2,968,371
Beautaeful Dyed my hair again 💜💜💜

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Mochi_chim YaaAaAaaS QuEeN

ImTaeLess oMg thE mOSt bEaUTaEful CrEaTuRE oN EaRTh 😭😭😭

Taekook_Taekook HoW cAn SOmeOnE bE THat BeAUtiFuL 😣😣😣

K00000kT._.e @Taekook_Taekook hE eXiSts tHe ANgeL oN THeSE PiCTurES 😫

Lejindary ^^^ WhY aRE wE tYPinG liKE tHiS?

Lejindary @Beataeful You look good just like me your eomma but I know I'm prettier 💁

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