16 ¶M¶

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Taehyung and Jungkook were now watching a movie at Taehyung's house. Jungkook sitting on the couch and the other on Jungkook's lap, his face buried in Jungkook's chest and his legs on Jungkook's waist. Taehyung kept moving, trying to find a comfortable area on Jungkook's lap which cause Jungkook to groan because the other's butt was too near to his member.

"Babyboy stop or daddy will punish you." Jungkook whispered to Taehyung's ear with a husky voice which caused Taehyung to have shivers through his spine. He felt something poking his butt and he smirked because he knew Jungkook had a boner. "I'm not doing anything daddy." He said looking very innocently at Jungkook which made Jungkook harder because of the word 'daddy' coming out of the other's mouth and how innocent Taehyung looked right now.

Jungkook crashed his lips on Taehyung's hungrily. Their lips molded perfectly together. Jungkook pokes the other's bottom lip by his tongue for entrance. The other complied and let the tongue enter his mouth. Both of their tongues fighting for dominance but the younger won. Jungkook explored the older's mouth leaving no place untouched. The younger started leaning to have more access to Taehyung's mouth. His Hands were on Taehyung small waist and Taehyung's hands were on the younger's neck.

When they broke off the kiss, Jungkook looked down to Taehyung's neck and collarbones, that were very visible because Taehyung wore a oversized white T-shirt which was falling off his shoulders. His neck was the place Jungkook wanted to mark the most to let everyone know that Taehyung is his. He trailed down to the other's jawline till his collarbones, sucking and biting. He heard Taehyung's moans that were like music to his ears. Definitely his favorite sound.

"Ngh-Ju-jungkook-ah I-I w-want you!" Taehyung moaned before Jungkook kissed him again. "Then let's continue this in your room babydoll." With that Jungkook carried Taehyung bridal style.

Jungkook opened the door to the other's room and entered it, closing the door with his left leg. He placed Taehyung in the bed gently and crawled between the older's legs. "Let's take these off first." Jungkook said as he pulled the oversized T-shirt off Taehyung and throw it somewhere on the ground along with Taehyung's sweats and boxers.

He took his time admiring his boyfriend's body which made Taehyung embarrassed and hide himself with his hands. Jungkook quickly removed Taehyung's hands from his body "Don't baby, you're so beautiful." Jungkook said and started to put butterfly kisses to Taehyung's stomach. "D-daddy...mmm~~~" Jungkook trailed down to the other's thighs and sucked and bite on them, ignoring Taehyung's aching member that was leaking with precum which caused Taehyung to groan.

Taehyung tugged at the hem of Jungkook's shirt. "P-please...take them off...ngh!" Jungkook stopped marking him and stared at his masterpiece then got up to remove his clothes. Taehyung admired the other's smooth milky skin and abs that he would love to suck and bite on (Yes he has a muscle kink).

He was mostly shocked to see how big the younger's member was. Would that even fit? Was the question in Taehyung's mind. Jungkook smirked when he noticed what Taehyung was looking at. "Like what you see?" He said and that made the other blush.

He again went between Taehyung's legs and stare at Taehyung before pulling him to a passionate kiss, swallowing the other's loud moans. When they backed away, they stared at eachother intensely. Taehyung with swollen, red lips, his ash grey hair was all over the place, and half lidded eyes. "Fuck...doll you're so beautiful. Just for me." Jungkook pecked Taehyung one more time.

"D-daddy......mmm~ f-fuck me already!" Taehyung whined needily. Jungkook slap his left buttcheek harshly which made it jiggle and cause the other to moan loudly. "Don't tell me what to do, okay baby?" He said and Taehyung nodded, his eyes darken because of that. "Use words baby." Jungkook said looking directly at the other. "O-okay." "Okay who?" "O-okay d-da-ddy." Taehyung shuttered.

"Now baby, you need to be prepped first or it'll hurt." Jungkook said looking at Taehyung sweetly because he doesn't want the other to get hurt. "T-then prep me d-daddy!" Taehyung said needily. With that Jungkook put three fingers near the other's mouth. "Suck." He commanded and the other obeyed, opening his mouth to suck on the three fingers. Taehyung's tongue swirled around the three fingers and sucked on them, covering them with fresh coat of his saliva.

When Jungkook felt like it was enough, he pulled out his fingers out of the older's mouth. He started to tease the rim of the other's hole by circling it with his saliva-coated fingers. "Ahhhh~ hurry daddy!" Taehyung said needily, moving his hips towards the fingers. Jungkook entered one finger when he stopped teasing Taehyung. "Mmm~" After five minutes he put another finger in and started scissoring him and earned a loud moan from the grey haired male.

Jungkook then added another finger. The other started moving his hips so the fingers could pleasure him more than they already did. "You're so needy baby." Jungkook said watching the other fuck himself with Jungkook's finger.

"Please-ah fuck me already!" With that Jungkook removed his fingers, took out a condom, tore it open, and put it on his member then took out a bottle of strawberry lube from one of the drawers and squeezed a generous amount on his hands to cover his member (JuAnCoCK). He lined up his member to the other's hole and pecking the other's forehead then kissed his lips deeply as he slowly started getting in. Taehyung bit the other's bottom lip harshly because of all the pain.

"Ahhhh! D-ah-daddy! Fuck!" Taehyung moaned loudly in response. Closing his eyes tightly at the feeling of being filled by the younger. "So fucking tight doll." Jungkook groaned and gave Taehyung a little time to adjust.

"M-move." The younger started moving slowly earning moans and whimpers from the grey haired male under him looking ethereal with all the dark purple, red hickeys, mouth open, and already drooling from the roughness.

Jungkook started moving faster making the bed creak. "Faster daddy! NGH!" Taehyung moaned loudly when Jungkook rammed into him which caused the bed to creak even louder."Fuck! AHHH r-right t-AH-here!" Taehyung arched his back beautifully with loud moans and tears spilling from his eyes because of all the pleasure. "Fuck Babyboy!" Jungkook said when he knew he found Taehyung's prostate and he abused it with every thrust.

The room was filled with broken but loud moans, whimpers, gasps, wet kisses, sucking, biting, and skin clapping. Jungkook leaving wet kisses around the other's body, Taehyung's hands were messing Jungkook's hair while his mouth was leaving hickeys on the younger's neck too.

"I'm c-close d-daddy!" Taehyung said when he felt a familiar pit in his stomach and scratched the youngers back harshly which would definitely leave marks. "I'm close too doll." Jungkook said and slammed in faster as he tried to catch his high. "D-daddy I'm coming!" Taehyung shouted. "Me too baby! Scream my name Tae!" "AHH~ JUNGKOOK!" Taehyung screamed as he came on both of their stomachs and Jungkook came on the condom then removed his member from the other's hole.

Both were breathing heavily, trying to calm down their high. "I love you Taehyung." Jungkook said pecking Taehyung's forehead then lips. "I love you too Jungkook." Taehyung replied and smiled tiredly.


OMG I JUST WROTE MY FIRST SMUT AND IT SUCKS SO MUCH.  Anyways hope y'all enjoyed it. See you on the next chapter bye bye. <333

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