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Forgive me plz :)


Jungkook came back to his car with a broken heart. He wanted to cry his heart out but suddenly, the door to the passenger seat opened. He looked to his right and saw Eunji sitting on the passenger seat.

"What are you doing? Get the fuck out!" He yelled which caused her to flinch but soon smirked her shit eating smirk. "Don't yell at me babe or else your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend will die." She laughed while saying that. Psychotic bitch. Jungkook just sighed deeply. He just wished he never went to work today. He wished he never met this bitch that he once fell for.

He took enough courage and started diving his way back to his house. 'I'm doing this for Tae.' He said to himself. He reached the house with shaky hands. Eunji started clapping happily. "Yay, I've been waiting for this for a long time!" She said. "Why are you doing this?!" Jungkook yelled. "Can't you see? I'm doing all of this because I love you! You deserve better than that faggot! You deserve me! I made you happy! I made you feel what love is! I made you feel loved! I made all of these and that faggot did nothing!" She yelled out too, tears filling her eyes.

"And you are so blind to think that he can love you better than me! That's why it's better killing him. He won't come in my way again." She continued. "You're crazy!" Jungkook said, he still can't believe he dated a psycho before. "I'm crazy for you!" She looking at him, no emotion written in her eyes. "Now go, break up with him and come back to me or else I'll have fun stabing him with a knife." She said.

He slowly got out of the car and went in front of the house. He knocked slowly. The door opened and revealed the beautiful grey haired male smiling brightly and bouncing lightly. The cause of his life is standing in front of him. The cause of his euphoria is standing in front of showing the most brightest smile that Jungkook loved to see everyday.

"Welcome back Kookie." He said cutely but expression changed quickly. "W-what happened Kookie? Where you crying?" He asked with a tone filled with worry. Jungkook said nothing and pulled the male to his embrace tightly. "Tae, I'm so so so sorry!" He broke out. "F-for what?" Taehyung said confused because Jungkook was crying so much.

"Taehyung please forgive me for what I'm going to say. I'll explain everything later." He begged. "Why?" The other asked.

"T-tae, I'm b-breaking u-p with y-you." When Jungkook said that, his and Taehyung's heart broke immediately. "W-what? D-did I do something wrong? W-was I not enough? D-do you not love me?" He sobbed as tears rolled down his eyes. Jungkook standing in front of him. His heart breaking even more as he saw his lover crying his eyes out.

"Fine then." Taehyung suddenly ran back in the house to their shared room. Jungkook following behind him, not begging him to stay because he has to let go. Taehyung grabbed a luggage, opened it, and went to the closet to take all his stuff. Once he put everything in the bag, he left. Not looking at Jungkook's face even once and not saying anything to him.

Jungkook fell to knee. Tears all over his cheeks. His love, his life, his Taehyung left him, and it was because he asked for it.

"Finally, he's gone!" Eunji suddenly came to the room. Jungkook couldn't handle it anymore. He pushed her out the door and locked it shut. He went to the bed and cried hugging and smelling the scent of the pillow that Taehyung once slept on.

"I'm so sorry Tae."


Looking around the street, he decided to call his best friend, Jimin. "J-jimin?" He sobbed once his best friend answer the phone. "Tae what happened? Why are you crying?" Jimin said, tearing up just because the other was crying loudly on the other side of the phone. "Can I stay at your house for a while?" He mumbled. "Sure but you have to explain everything to me okay?" Jimin said. "O-okay." Tae replied then closed the phone. He sighed deeply as he made his way to Jimin's house.

He went to Jimin's house and greeted Jimin and Yoongi with a tight hug. He explained everything to them. He didn't even know why Jungkook broke up with him. The couple were so angry at Jungkook but calmed themselves and told Taehyung that everything will be okay and he could sleep in the guest room.

He threw his luggage on the floor and plopped down to the bed and grabbed a pillow as he continued crying.

"He really did left me."


Hi, I'm sorry for this chapter. Forgive me 😔 One more chapter and this book is done but don't worry because book 2 is coming and it'll have a happy ending.

Bye, see you on one more episode.


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