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"KOOKIE WAKE UP!!!" I woke up as soon as I heard that cute but loud noise. I opened my eyes and saw Taehyung sitting on the floor wearing one of my white shirts that came down to his mid thighs and a boxer that was hidden under the shirt. He was rubbing his ass and had a pained expression on his face. Probably, because of last night ;)

"Good morning baby." I said with a teasing smirk. "Don't 'Good Morning' me, you were too rough last night." Taehyung said with a glare, thinking he looked scary but he looked like a cute angry puppy. "But you liked it last night." I grinned teasingly and that made him blush. "S-shut up and c-carry me to the kitchen." Taehyung said, embarrassed. I got off the bed and saw Taehyung covering his face. I realized that I was still naked. "Why are you hiding? You saw me naked a lot of times." I teased.

"Shut up and go wear something." Taehyung said, still glaring at me. I went to the closet and grabbed a black boxer and grey sweat pants (He decided to be shirtless🌚) I walked back to my baby and carried him bridal style. "You should stop walking around the house shirtless." Taehyung muttered. "Don't you want to see my abs?" I smirked. "Confident motherfucker." Taehyung said, he didn't want me to hear him but I did. "Learned from Jin hyung." I replied.

When we arrived to the kitchen, I sat Tae on the counter. "I'll give you painkillers okay?" I said before I pecked his forehead. I went to search for it. I found it and went back to the kitchen handing it to him with a glass of water. "Thank you Kookie." He said. "You're welcome babyboy. I'll cook breakfast okay?" I said and gave him a small kiss on his lips after he nodded. I asked want he wanted and he said he wanted bacon and eggs.

When I finished cooking, I prepared the table. I went to carry my baby and let him sit on my lap as we eat. "Thank you." He muttered as he blushed crimson red. "No problem baby." I said before I pecked his rosy lips and fed him our breakfast.

When we were done eating, Tae suddenly ran back to our room (Tae moved in with Jungkook) "OH MY GOD!!! I'M GONNA BE LATE!" Tae yelled cutely as I chuckled. He came back all dressed up. He wore a pair of jeans with butterfly print on his right thigh and little rips on his left thigh. He wore a light blue botton up under his Gucci jacket and a pair of his favorite Gucci shoes.

 He wore a light blue botton up under his Gucci jacket and a pair of his favorite Gucci shoes

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(His outfit ^)

"God, my baby looks so hot." I said as I went to kiss his lips. He hid his face with his hands as he blushed. I took his hands to let him stop covering his face and showered him with kisses all around his face which caused him to giggled. Oh this beautiful giggle I get to cherish everyday and his beauty that took my breath away. "Kookie~ I'm gonna be late!" He whined. "Bye~" He pecked my lips and ran out of the house as fast as he could which caused me to chuckle at his cuteness. You'll be the death of me Kim Taehyung.

Since I had to go to work after an hour (I forgot to tell you guys that Kook works as a photographer in this fanfic but that'll change), I decided to get ready and go early. I wore a black shirt underneath a red leather jacket, black jeans and black puma shoes.

 I wore a black shirt underneath a red leather jacket, black jeans and black puma shoes

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(His outfit ^)

I got in the car and drove my way to work.


(After a few hours)

I finally done for today. I thanked everyone and exited the building. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulders. "Hello babe." Eunji said. How the fuck did this bitch found me? "What do you want Eunji?" I asked showing her my poker face. "I want you." She replied. "This again? I already told you that I moved on. You should too." I said and backed away from her trying to go back to my car. "THEN I'LL KILL TAEHYUNG!" And that made me stop and look back at her. "What did you say?" I asked. "I'll kill Taehyung if you don't come back to me." She said looking at me with a scary smile.

"Y-you wouldn't d-do t-that." I shuttered and started shaking. I can't live without Tae. Without his unique and cute boxy smile, beautiful addicting giggles, and his sparking shinny eyes, why live anyways? "I will kill Taehyung if you don't come back to me. So what do you say babe? Let me kill that bitch you call your boyfriend or you break up with him yourself and nothing will happen to him? It's an easy choice but you'll end up with me no matter what you choose anyways." She said looking at me directly at the eye. I'm sorry Taehyung, my sunshine, my happiness, my love, but I'm doing this to protect you...

"I-I'll break up with him." I said as tears fall down my face. I'm sorry my love.


Hello guys, hope you enjoy this chapter.

Remember that if this story will have a sad ending, I'll be making book 2, it WILL have a happy ending because I hate sad endings, and I already planned everything for book 2.

Bye plz forgive me 😇



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