Part 3: Newyork

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🌹——Y/N POV.——🌹

I stared around me, confused. What was this place? Where am I.

I remembered the proposal me, Hanji and Levi had made. If something bad is to happen to me, inwhich i am unable to heal from, I shall be frozen and awoken years later.

Well... here i am, "I wonder how many years I have been frozen for?" I thought to myself, this was a highly futuristic place I was in, the buildings were GINORMOUS, even bigger than titans.

I began to wonder as to where, my friends; the survey corps were, maybe they were all dead. My eyes began to water at the sudden thought.

No. Atleast one of them must be alive.

Thousands upon thousands of thoughts zoomed through my head, but only one struck out to me. Levi.


Hanji and Levi rushed around the house, getting dressed and ready to find Y/N. While Petra was on the phone ringing everyone to get ready and begin the search.

Petra designated everyone to different sections of the city. It would be a long day.

Levi stared into his mirror at himself for a minute, he took a deep breath, his fangs had grown extremely long but luckily he was able to hide them still. His hair still the same as it once was, but his eyes were now a dull red, as though they had been drained.

He fixed his cravat and left his room slipping on a trenchcoat he had saved from many years ago with a massive wings of freedom symbol on the back.
Levi was incredibly nervous, he would soon see the woman he has missed for many many years.

Hanji and Levi waited for Petra in the hall,

Petra spoke out from behind the door,
"I don't think i'll join yous." She spoke nervously.

"What why?! This is an amazing scientific breakthrough! It worked and y/n's gonna be really excited to see you." Hanji beamed.

Levi crossed his arms, "Petra, please. This won't change anything with us. She will want to see you." He lied.

Petra slowly opened the door to reveal a face full of makeup, and her hair curled.

Hanji raised an eyebrow, "Why are you so dolled up? You look like Kylie!" She laughed,

"Just wanted to look my best for the big arrival I suppose." Petra replied rubbing her arm.

Levi rolled his eyes, "Hurry up!" He shouted before storming down the stairs in a hurry.

All across Newyork, the FBI scattered, putting up poster signs with a sketch of the girl. But they were not that precise because obviously, they hadn't seen her in a long time.

If everyone was honest, although they held y/n close to heart, they didn't entirely know who they were looking they only knew  from memory .
Still the search continued.

🌹——YOUR POV——🌹

I wandered off towards the big buildings, my body still soaking wet, and remarkably cold although I couldn't feel it.

As i journeyed closer to the buildings i heard many people speak in a funny voice, i Had heard this voice before, the americans used it. "Was I in american?" I thought to myself.

Yes! That would explain alot. American has always been a very rich place.

Some people stared as I walked through the streets but i payed no mind, id stare to if a girl with red eyes, who was soaking wet walked through my streets.

One thing i had noticed was that my hair was very abnormally long, it nearly touched my ankles, it mustn't have stopped growing. Which means.... oh no. I didnt like that at all. It would need to be cut and everything else aswell. ((Ahaha only joking))


Eren kept look out from a top of a business building looking down on the tiny people, his extreme eyesight enabled him to seem them. He soon spotted
A young girl with extremely long h/c hair.

"MIKASA!" Eren called, mikasa ran over.

"Is that her!" He shouted.

Mikasa narrowed her eyes, "Hmmm, i'm not sure. We all stay here, I'll get Sasha to go to that side over there and if it is her, I'll go get her." Mikasa smiled.
Eren nodded.

Mikasa rung Sasha and told her the news, Sasha hurried over to the top of another building to look down on.

Sasha stared at the long haired girl but couldn't exactly tell, suddenly a MOB of cosplayers rushed down the streets towards a large tent like construction, and the long haired girl disappeared in the crowd.

Dammit! It's comic con i forgot.

Sasha rung Mikasa and told her what happened, mikasa shook her head, "Well go down the nearest alleyway! She wont be able to get into comic con without a ticket so she will probably leave if it's her!!" Mikasa spoke sternly.

Sasha hung up quickly, she jumped off the building and landed smoothly.

🌹——Y/N POV——🌹

I walked down the strange streets for awhile until a huge crowd of scary people dressed up in funny costumes mobbed me. Nearly knocking me over.

My vampire senses hadn't fully kicked in yet, but i had a funny feeling someone was following me, I just didn't know who... or where from ...

I quickly hurried down a dark alleyway and rested for awhile, I may be immortal but with being asleep for so long my muscles aren't what they used to be.

Stretching, i took a deep yawn and lay my head on a pile of old mattresses that were stacked up. I was exhausted. Alittle nap couldn't hurt anyone.

🌹——LEVI POV——🌹

I was on the phone to Sasha hearing what had happened and how she was still looking etc, but had completely lost the 'long haired girl'. I sighed,

If that is y/n, she must be very frightened.
Shaking my head, i resumed my thought pattern.

I would go to that side of town, and i'm sure if I get close to her my veins will pulse harder that way, It's almost like a tracking machine.

It sounded like a plan.

((This chapter is kinda a ramble but I hope you liked it! You and levi will finally be reunited next chapter :) ))

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