Part 5:Home sweet... home?

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Levi released you from his arms. "This is so strange." He mumbled. You raised an eyebrow and giggled, "why?." You questioned. "You've missed so much, I have so much to tell you ughh, and I've missed you so much!" Levi remarked before pulling you close again.
"Wait how did you know to come look for me?."  You asked.
Levi pointed to his wrist, "Hanji told me they would pulse when you Awoke.." You smiled in response.

You cuddled for around 3 minutes just feeling each-others embrace. You shot up out of the embrace, "Is everyone still alive!" You cried out.  Levi nodded and put his hands into his pockets, "well, minus jean and marco, hmm Annie, reiner and Bertoltd. Yes." He said solemnly.

Your looked down, "Rest in peace guys." You thought to yourself remembering the good times yous all had.

You grabbed Levi's hand, "let's go to your house so you can tell me everything i've missed!!" You exclaimed happily.

Levi chuckled, "now wait there-" he spoke as you hurried towards the big complex building.

"What number do you live at.?" You called out as you ran faster.

"Number 48." He shook his head as he laughed at your excited state, forgetting all about the fact that Petra was in the house.

You used your vampire speed to rush to his room, zooming past security without them noticing.

You stood outside the door and your eyes flashed pink. Excitement grew inside you, you were finally able to see where your Lover had been living in your absence, how thrilling.

———YOUR POV———-

I opened the door slowly, to reveal a very pristine and GINORMOUS apartment.

Wandering around the hall way, i lifted objects that held no relevancy to me, they had alot of leads and wires connected to them. Fascinating.

From a distant room in the house, you heard a voice, a familiar one.

"Did you find her?." It called out,
I walked towards the voice cluelessly,
had I entered the wrong apartment?

My crimson eyes narrowed as i peered around the corner,

The woman jumped in fright,

"Y-y/n!" She cried out as she held her arms open,

"PETRA!" I replied with glee before charging into her arms.
I heard the door click behind me, Levi had caught up.

Petra looked at me, "oh your hair is so long!" She complimented, "I love it!." She grinned.

"Your lips are bigger? How is that possible?" I questioned.

"Well, we can have surgery to augment our faces now dear, it's called plastic surgery, welcome to the 21st century y/n!" She beamed, we laughed together, As i poked her 'plastic' lips.

Levi walked around to join us.

Turning around, i grinned at him. "Levi! It's honestly so nice of you to bring Petra here, so when I arrived home she was the first person I saw again."

Levi looked down, and Petra frowned, "You haven't told her yet?." She asked.

"Told me what...?" I asked as my face dropped.

((Oohhhh, readers not gonna be happy.))

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