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Chan drove me to Woojin's and I got out of the car. "Thank you for the breakfast." I smiled as I turned to face Chan.

"Anytime, baby girl." I felt a blush form on my cheeks and I looked away. "Now go before he counts you late." Chan shoos me away and I chuckle lightly. I walk up to the porch and knock on the door. Woojin immediately opens it and pulls me inside.

"Are you okay?" Was the first thing I asked when I saw his face. I grabbed his hand and walked into the living room sitting him on the couch while I go into the kitchen to grab the first aide kit.

"Woo, he can't keep doing this to you." I whispered softly as I looked at his eye.

"As long as I live under his roof, he can."

"No, he can't. He shouldn't be laying a hand on you. It hurts to see you like this, Woojin." I told him. "He has to stop. You have to do something or I can't keep it a secret anymore." I added.

"Y/N, you promised me that you wouldn't tell anyone." Woojin spoke.

"I know I did but Woo, every week you're calling me with new bruises or cuts. I get that he gets angry but he shouldn't lash out at you, one of these days he is going to kill you."

"Then I'll stop just calling you if I burden you that much." Woojin snaps.

"That's not what I meant and you know it! Woojin, you're my best friend and I just want you safe." I shot back. I couldn't lose Woojin. He's been there with me through so much. I hated seeing him hurt.

"I know you do, Y/N." Woojin whispered and I didn't realize I had been crying until I felt him wipe away my tears. "Stop crying, please." Woojin begs softly. I finished patching up one his cuts on his cheeks and turned away wiping my eyes. I went into the kitchen, opening the freezer to grab an ice pack they kept in there. I grabbed one and went to turn around when I felt arms wrap around my waist. "I know how much you care for me and I love you for always being there. I also know how scared you are that you'll lose me but you won't, I promise that you won't." He whispered in my ear.

"You can't promise that, Woojin because you don't know what could happen." I told him as I got rid of his hold on me, turning to face him. I set the ice pack on his eye and told him to hold it there.

"I know that you won't ever lose me, Y/N." He tells me removing the ice pack from his eye.

"Woojin, put it back on your eye." He ignores me, grabbing my hands in his own. "W-what are yo-" I get cut off by the feeling of lips on my own. I instantly pushed him off and stared at him with my mouth open agape.


"I gotta go, keep the ice pack on your eye so it won't swell up. I'll call you later." I cut him off and leave the house. I stand outside for a minute before I pull out my phone and called Chan.

"What can I do for you, baby girl?" Chan asked when he picked up the phone and I felt a blush form on my face again.

"Uhm could you pick me up from Woojin's?" I asked and heard him shuffle around before answering,

"Yeah, of course. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Thanks, I'll see you when you get here then." I spoke and hung up the phone. I thought back to what happened back in the house and felt like slapping myself.

How did that even happen? Why did it happen?

"Y/N," I heard Woojin say behind me and I turned around. "I'm sorry that I did that. I- I don't know why I did it."

"Woojin, you know why you did it but please don't tell me because if you tell me and I can't return those feelings then I'll feel horrible." I explained.

"I- It's okay if you don't." Woojin whispered.

"Just go back inside and rest, Woojin. I also told you to keep that damn ice pack on. Go do it now." I turned him around and walked him up to the door. "I will talk to you later but for now just go inside." He goes back inside and I hear a car pull up behind me. I turn back around seeing Chan and walk over to the car. "Hey," I greet as I get into the car.

"Okay, I'm gonna say this right now. If I hear any sickening cute things, I will throw myself out of this car." A voice behind me says and I nearly scream.

"Lix, shut up." Another voice says and I turn around in my seat to see Felix and Minho. "Hey, Y/N."

"Hi, Minho. Chan, you didn't tell me they were going to be here." I say turning back around.

"Yeah, sorry about that. They were at my house and I don't trust them there alone so I brought them. Anyway, it hasn't even been an hour since I left you here. Something happen?" Chan asks and I felt guilt wash over me.

"Uhm... no. Nothing happened." I answered and pulled out my phone suddenly getting a message from Minho. I ignore it turning my phone back off. I already knew he was calling me out on my lie but I didn't want to deal with that right now.

"Okay, you wanna go home?" Chan asks and I nod my head. Chan reaches over and grabs my hand intertwining our fingers for what seemed like the hundredth time today.

"Gross," I heard Minho mutter from the backseat and I rolled my eyes at his comment. After a few minutes, Chan stopped the car and I looked up to see we're outside my house.

"Thank you."

"Of course," Chan smiled and leaned over placing a kiss on my cheek. I felt my face heat up and I proceeded to get out of the car. "I'll pick you up on Monday, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded my head and walked up my porch to my front door. I heard Chan pull away just as I unlocked the door and walked inside.

Yup, today was definitely interesting.

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