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"You're such a fucking dick! When are you going to learn, Christopher? When are you going to stop being such an asshole and fucking learn, huh? You're gonna end up alone if you keep it up like this and you'll have no one. You're incapable of being loved or to love all because of the shit you constantly pull! No one wants to be with someone like that so Y/N is going to think that she can change you but when she figures out that this isn't some cliche book or movie, she'll stop. She'll stop caring and leave you like everyone will if you keep acting like this." I spat before I left his room.

I felt my blood boiling. How dare he think she was just someone to be played with.

She deserved so much and she didn't need him. I hated the idea of her and Chan together. I absolutely dreaded the idea of them together and I didn't understand why. I completely despised knowing that he was with her. That he got to hold her and call her his when I wanted too.

Maybe I still loved her but I knew that there was no chance. I knew that I stood no chance against Chan. He was what everyone wanted but they got hurt because of him. They got their hearts broken because he played with it.

I hated it so much knowing that he might be doing it to her.

I sat in my car for a few minutes before I started it and drove off. I pulled up into Woojin's driveway and walked up to the door, knocking on it. It takes a minute for him to open it but he does, I see a bruise under his eye. "Oh holy shit. Wooj, is he still hurting you?" I asked. Woojin just licked his lips and nodded slowly before letting me in.

"What are you doing here?" Woojin asks shutting the door and I turned to face him telling him,

"It's about Y/N. Listen, I know that you love her and want her away from Chan as much as I do so we have to do something. I can't let her get hurt, Wooj."

"I- Minho, I already tried to talk her out of it but she won't give in. I hate it so much because I know what Chan will do to her in the end." Woojin explains as we walk into the living room. There was glass everywhere on the floor and I looked up at him. "Don't ask." He mumbles as he grabs a broom and I frowned.

"Wooj, he can't keep doing this. It's not okay." I told him grabbing his arm. He looked me in the eyes before removing his arm from my grip.

"As long as I'm under his roof then he can do anything to me." Woojin says and I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"No, he can't! He could kill you one day, Wooj, what do you think Y/N would do if you ended up dead because of your uncles anger issues? She would hate herself for not being able to help you." I hissed.

"I can't do anything about it, Min! I've tried to stop him but it ends up with glass everywhere and him leaving to go drink and come back even more angry!" Woojin exclaims.

"Woojin, it has to stop. Tell someone who can help you, please!" I begged. I hated knowing that he was getting hurt by his uncle, the only family he has left here hurt him. Y/N hated it and I did too. It hurt us to watch him get hurt and we couldn't do anything about it.

I absolutely dreaded it knowing that one day he could end up in the hospital because of this.

"I can't tell anyone, Minho. Just drop it please!"

"No, Woojin! I will not drop it! I know that we don't talk as much anymore but damnit! You're still like my family and I hate seeing you in so much pain! He puts you in so much pain and I hate it! Y/N hates it! You hate it so why do you put up with it? Why don't you leave? You are old enough to leave so why can't you?" I ask and he ignores me as he continues to sweep the broken glass.

Annoyed and frustrated, I take the broom out of his hands causing him to look at me.

"Because I can't, Minho! I don't have the money to leave! He won't give me the money my mom left me when she left! I'm stuck here!" Woojin answers.

"You can always stay with me, Woojin and you know that. I-if you don't want too because you think you'll just burden me then you are wrong!"

"It's not that. I can't leave until I get what my mom left me. She left me a lot more than just money. She left me everything and I cannot leave without it." Woojin says softly and I drop the broom.

"Do you know where he keeps them?" I ask.

"He keeps them locked up in the shed but I don't have a key to even open it." He answers and I turn on my heel walking outside to where the shed is. Woojin follows after me and I feel around the top of the door. I feel something shaped like the key and grab it.

"How'd you know where that was?" He asks.

"I've seen him grab it a couple times when Y/N and I would come over." I answered opening the shed. Woojin walks in, flicking on the light and looking around.

He made a sound of victory as he grabbed a box and opened it to look inside.

"I found it." Woojin mumbles closing it back up and picking it up exiting the shed. I quickly close the shed and lock the door putting the key back where it was.

"Okay, you got it. You're staying with me now. I'll put this in my car and you grab what you need, okay?" I ask and Woojin nods carefully handing me the box. I smile softly and walk through the house to the front and into the driveway, unlocking my car.

I put the box into the trunk and soon enough Woojin comes out with a duffle bag and his back pack. "Did you get everything you need?"

"Not everything but he'll be here soon so I'd just have to come back for it. We should hurry and leave." Woojin explains setting his things in the backseat. We got into the car and I started it looking over at Woojin. "Thank you, Minho."

"Anytime, Wooj. Like I said, you're like my family and I don't leave family behind." I smiled and drove off towards my apartment. I know that I went to Woojin's to talk about the Chan and Y/N situation but that could wait.

Getting Woojin out of there could not.

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