June 10-17

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They go out for a late lunch on the 10th. Theo is stupidly nervous for some reason. He's been busy with recording for the past two weeks, so it feels like he hasn't seen Liam at all even though they live together and Liam has to follow him everywhere.

They end up at a small restaurant by a movie theater.

There's a poster outside the theatre for a new Disney movie. Theo finds himself staring at it.

"Have you ever seen a Disney movie?" Liam asks him suddenly.

Theo nods and tears himself away from the sign. Liam is grinning at him. Theo braces himself for whatever stupid comment is about to come out of his mouth.

"Do you know who you remind me of?"

"Who." Theo sighs.


Theo raises an eyebrow.

"It's perfect really. You've both got daddy issues and a wonderful singing voices. And you both want out from your lives." Liam explains.

There's mischief in his eyes and Theo looks at him suspiciously.

"If you start calling me Ariel..."

Liam grins.

"You'll what? Fire me?"

He can't really say anything to that. He's saved from having to think of a comeback by the waiter arriving with their drinks.

"Can I take your orders?" He asks.

Theo blinks, realizing that he hadn't even looked at his menu. He looks over at Liam with mild panic but the other boy is staring down at his menu.

"I'll have the spaghetti." Liam says.

Theo flips around the menu and points at the first item that catches his eye.
"This please."

"The full size Hawaiian pizza?" The waiter confirms, looking confused.

Liam snorts. Theo shoots him a quick glare and then nods at the waiter.

"Yes please."

"Is that all Sirs?"

Liam nods with a quiet thank you. Theo watches Liam's expression slowly dissolve into laughter.
"He looked so confused! Are you actually going to eat the entire thing?" He asks through giggles.

Theo slouches back in his chair and huffs.
"I was a little distracted by your idiotic ideas." He grumbles.

"You think I'm amazing."

"I hate you."

Theo crosses his arms and Liam laughs at him again.

"You look like a five year old that hasn't gotten their way."

Theo can't help but smile, Liam looks so happy across from him, he's got an album coming out in less than a month, and he's finally free.


They don't get back to their apartment until nearly midnight. Liam had dragged them to the shopping mall and they'd spent too much money on various types of candy. Then they'd wandered around for far too long. It was one of the best days Theo has ever had.

Theo is laughing when they materialize in the living room. Liam has an arm wrapped around his waist and they're pressed together all along Theo's left side. His laughter trails off and the flat is silent.

"That was nice." Liam says after a second.

Theo nods, he can't seem to get his arms to cooperate and let go of Liam.

[Thiam] Let Me Be Your Front Line: The AlbumWhere stories live. Discover now