April 7

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Theo wakes up to the soft voice of his servant. It's another day to pretend that he actually cares about the world his father has built by force and fear. There's the smell of sweet bread in the air and Theo blinks his eyes open to jewel-toned light.

"Theo, sir, will you be bathing before breakfast?"

Theo looks at the blank-faced faerie beside his bed and swallows a scream of frustration.

The bells start ringing outside and Theo finally sits up.

"I will be." He says, anything to avoid his father for a while longer.

As the servant runs the water Theo slips out of bed and pads to the window. There are fluffy clouds outside, and Theo sighs at the near perfection of the fey capital. There are no flaws here, and Theo can't stand it.


Theo turns and steps up to the bath.

It lets out clouds of pink steam, Theo knows that there's definitely some kind of magic in it.

When he slips into the water he closes his eyes, enjoying the feeling of his muscles relaxing.

"Will you be needing anything, your highness?"

The voice of his servant startles him and his eyes flick open.

"No, James, you can leave."

James nods and backs out the door.

Theo sinks back and shuts his eyes again.
Wind chimes tinkle around the bathroom.

Theo enjoys the water for nearly an hour, feeling his muscles wake up and his magic humming through his veins.

When the bells chime again, Theo sits up and searches for his towel.

James comes back in just as Theo is sliding his shirt on.

"Breakfast?" He asks, his head bowed.

Theo sighs and nods, striding passed James and out the open door.

The guard posted there startles at the sight of him, but quickly falls into step behind him. Theo glances back and sees that it's Derek. He smirks slightly and raises an eyebrow at the mess of unbrushed hair on Derek's head.

"Sleep in again?" He whispers out of the corner of his mouth, knowing that Derek can hear him perfectly.

Sometimes being born half fey, half elven has its perks. 

Theo can feel his glare digging into his back and smiles.

Servants pull open doors and bow as he walks past, making Theo grit his teeth. He doesn't want this fearful obedience.

When he walks into the dining room there's a scramble of movement as people pull out his chair and dish out a steaming plate.

His father doesn't even look up.

Theo is nearly finished when his father finally acknowledges his existence.

"Are you ready to begin your duties?" He asks, the same as every morning.

Every day the request gets a bit shorter, and Theo knows one day he won't have a choice. Theo looks up and sees one of the servants standing hunched in the corner, eyeing his father with barely concealed terror. And he can't do it.

"You know what my answer is. And you know what I really want." Theo starts calmly.

The man that meets his eyes isn't Theo's father. It's the king who tore his way into the human world and didn't stop until there wasn't one person who didn't believe in the fey.

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