June 30- July 1

675 24 17

When Theo finally gets to his release party, it's in full swing already. He turns to grin at Liam and finds the other boy already smiling softly at him. It's amazing what can change in two months.

Lydia stumbles into him before he can get too preoccupied with Liam. It's probably more accurate to say she barrels into him, because she nearly knocks him over and only the warm press of Liam's magic against his back stops him from tumbling to the floor.

"Theo!" She yells in his ear, making him wince.

"You're really late!"

Theo laughs and pushes her gently away.

"It's my own party; I can't be late."

He thinks that's probably a lie as he looks around the room and finds drunk people everywhere. He sees Corey draped over Mason in one of the corners, talking in Mason's ear and waving his arms around as Mason grins softly at the glass in his hand. Some of the producers and other people Theo recognizes but can't name are laughing in a circle by the speakers.

"We were waiting for you to play the album." Lydia continues, jerking him out of his thoughts.

Theo feels Liam move closer and turns to look at him.

"Shouldn't keep them waiting, should you?" Liam tells him with a grin.

Theo abruptly feels ridiculously nervous. It's stupid, because most of the people here have heard at least the early stages of the album, but seeing Liam look at him with something Theo would almost call pride makes him irrationally nervous. Like he has something to live up to.

He opens his mouth, not quite sure what he's going to say. But Lydia stops him when she grabs his hand and yanks him over to the DJ table. The familiar tingle of Liam's magic settles across his shoulders, but the man himself doesn't follow. Theo is a bit disappointed.

"All you have to do is press play." She says after turning the music off.

Theo is distantly aware of a few grumbles from the crowd before they realize what's going on and a few cheers start. He's too focused on the title of the first song to really pay attention though.

' Stardust' it says.

It's so weird to see that one word displayed in iTunes. Two months of recording and putting everything together and here he was, about to press play on the title track of an album he wrote, with his voice singing the words. He never thought he'd be here.

Lydia grabs his arm and squeezes so tightly he flinches and turns to look at her. She's grinning widely at him.

"Just press it!" She whisper-yells at him.

Theo takes a deep breath and takes a glance up. Liam is watching him over the heads of several people trying to talk to him, and Theo feels something inside of him twist. It's been happening more and more lately, and he's trying to ignore it.

His hands are shaking a bit, but it doesn't matter. He just has to press play.

The first piano note rings through the air and he lets out a heavy breath.

The room is completely silent when his voice starts.

' Stardust,

Through all our veins.

Bits of lost stars,

Little pieces of giants.

Makes loose explosions in my heart.'

Theo sinks down into a chair and puts his head in his hands. There are tears on his cheeks as the violins sing fiercely.

Someone appears in front of him and by the familiar, almost sweet, taste of magic Theo knows it's Liam.

[Thiam] Let Me Be Your Front Line: The AlbumWhere stories live. Discover now