Chapter Two | Beautiful Goodbyes

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We will be editing this chapter on and off: 

        I was staring blankly at my ceiling, turning over the small piece of paper in my hands continuously, since about 12 AM.

 Raven had left me her number in case we needed her or needed questions answered, but I seriously doubt I would consider it.

 “Like you’re breathing in for the first time in eons, like your heart has started beating again, it becomes more than a buried emotion. The love itself becomes a physical existence. It’’s life changing.”

 What she said just hours before kept replaying over and over again in the quiet abyss called my thoughts.

 Nothing can be that great.


Nothing. It’s impossible.

I denied my subconscious, breathing out a heavy puff of frustration.

I turned my head slightly to look at the crimson red letters of my clock gleaming into the darkness that enveloped me.

4 AM, shit.

I pulled the covers back and rolled out of bed, my feet touching the cold wooden planks of the floor and creeped slowly into the hallway to the front of Daniel’s bedroom door.

“Idiot, are you awake...?” I whisper-yelled, sweeping my eyes across the dark room for any signs of life.

          I heard his bed shift and creak under his moving weight, “I can’t sleep to save my life,” he sighed out from the corner of his room, loudly padding across the floor flipping on the light.

           “That was rude,” I huffed out a puff of air, blocking my now exposed eyes from the light, moving to sit on his messy bed.

        He shrugged nonchalantly, sitting across from me, which caused the bed to sink and creak all over the place. “Sorry,” he muttered out softly, not even sounding at all apologetic.


There was a long deafening quietness that came about us as we sat there,

“I’m scared, Daniel,” I whimpered softly into the quiet room, I didn’t look at him, but I knew his mouth stood agape and his brows were furrowed.


So I continued.

“What if it isn’t ‘true love’, what if it just doesn’t work? Have you ever thought about that?” I questioned him thoroughly, this time, glancing in his direction.

“That doesn’t happen Harmony, it’s never happened, it won’t happen. Jesus, can’t you just drop this?” he questioned bitterly, irritation and what seemed like hurt lacing into his voice. His normally calm demeanor changed into something rigid with those few questions.

I wanted to reply, I wanted to come back with something that made him question this whole situation.

But I didn’t. Because I couldn’t.

“Harmony, listen,” he coughed, clearing his throat shifting to sit more comfortably. “I know this whole thing is weird and you don’t know what to do, but you’ll figure it out and in the end everything will go back to normal, Shit. I’m scared too sometimes, but then again I’m not. We’re going to be okay,” he reassured me, but it sounded like it was more to reassure himself.

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