Chapter 4

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" Kizuato! No. There is no way I'm asking him for help." Of course, I didn't want to see him. He killed Shay and my parents. He kidnapped my brother, just because I didn't kill him doesn't mean I forgive him!

"Yeah! Sorry, but we're never talking to him again!" Jake looks at Z like he's crazy. 

" I knew you guys were going to say that." Z sighs. I open my mouth to retort but he puts up his index finger to stop me. " But there's no other way. Kizuato and Kaulas were best friends! And if we want to destroy them from the inside we need, not only, information about the gang but about Kaulas himself. And the only person to give us that information is Kizuato. Please, Auralia, Jake!" He looks at both of us eyes full of desperation.

"Why us? Can't only you go?" Jake asks, hands slightly shaking.

"I'll go with you, of course, but  He likes you and Auralia way more than me. One of you has to come with me.

"I'll go," We say in unison. We look at each other and I know our determined eyes match.

"Oh, only one. The prison only allows 2 people in the cell at once and I have to go for you to be allowed to question him. "   We look at each other again. I know I have to be the one to see him. But I'm sure Jake thinks the same thing. How are we going to decide who comes?

"Jake should go. Auralia got him in jail, he's bound to be mad at her. He probably won't want to talk to her." Ayda says. Jake nods shakily. He bites his lip but his eyes are still determined.

"No, Auralia should go. She said he was lonely when she didn't come to see him in college. He'll probably be more happy than mad," August argues. The mother and son glare at each other but then look at Muna to break the tie.

She breathes in and out and says," August is right, Mom. Kizuato is crazy, remember? When he sees Auralia I bet he'll forget all about ever being mad at her." SHe says this strongly and with a tone of finality.

"Then it's decided, Auralia, come on." Jake opens his mouth but I shut him up with an Auralia-style glare. Now? I wonder in my head but I nod and put on my shoes. I have to do this, I'm strong and I can't let him take over my life. And so we head to the jail. It's a little way out, in Portage but we ride there in silence.

 It's a little way out, in Portage but we ride there in silence

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And now I'm right in front of the cell we're talking to him in. My hands shake and my breathing gets quicker. Breathe in through your nose. Now hold it for 4 seconds. Remember what August said. I calm down and nod to the officer to open the door. Kizuato sits on the other side of a glass barrier and doesn't notice us come in. He looks around like he's in a trance. With dark circles under his eyes and his slouchy posture, you can tell that he hasn't slept in a while. Though it isn't like I  care. I could never pity someone like him.

There are two chairs waiting for Z and I so Z makes a big show of sitting down to get Kizuato's attention. He looks up and his eyes widen and brighten when he sees me. A grin splits his face and he says," Auralia! I knew you'd come to see me!"

Even though he's in a rather pathetic state I'm still scared of him. And without any adrenaline rushing through my veins I feel like running away. But I can't and so I draw on something that always helps me; my anger. " I didn't come to see you because I wanted to."

His happy expression doesn't falter. "I knew you'd come and see me." He repeats more quietly.

This gets my blood boiling, he still talks like we're good friends! "Quit acting like I'd want to see a monster like you! If you forgot you killed my parents and my best friend!"

Now his smile falls and reforms into a little frown but no anger crosses his eyes. "You're never going to let me live that down are you?"

What?! How can he act like he did something so trivial?! " Excuse me?! What don't you under-" I'm cut off by Z elbowing me. 'Ask him about Kaulas' He mouths. I nod and am about to ask before Kizuato starts talking first.

"Why are you with him? You shouldn't trust him you know." He says shaking his head. 

I just roll my eyes. As if I'll believe someone like him. " Tell me all you know about Kaulas. Weaknesses and secrets, things like that."

He looks doubtful and confused before he sighs and says," Well if it's for you I suppose I'll talk."

{A/N- It is so fun to write crazy characters!}

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