Chapter 9

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"Exactly. So, will you do it?"

I know I need to help my friends. Protect them like I couldn't protect Shay. I can't fail again. "Yeah. How are we going to do this? Are you just going to drop me in?"

"As I said, I'll have no problem getting you in," After seeing my questioning gaze Z just shrugs, "You'll still need to go through the initiation process, but don't worry about it. The only thing you should be worried about is getting our intel.  And freeing your friends, of course."

Ayda pats me on the shoulder gently, "We have an earpiece for you," She puts a small black in-ear receiver in my ear, "It's the world's smallest covert ear-piece with zero electric magnetic interference and a transductive  EMI shield!" I look at Z and he shakes his head, he has no idea what she's talking about either.

"Basically, you can we can talk to you through it and you can talk to us. I'll walk you through what you should do so we can get your friends and proof that Kaulas killed Ayda's husband." Z's hands brush his jeans for a second before he hands me a small bracelet. I'm momentarily surprised by how the object seemed to just appear in his hand but my confusion increases when I see the beautiful bracelet. It was a glossy gold band with a single resplendent ruby.

"Why are you giving this to me?" I asked in awe. I had never worn anything this beautiful. And with the mission, I was about to perform it also seemed useless.

"If you press the ruby 3 times I'll be notified. So, only do it if you're in trouble and need some help," He said, "Now then, let's get you into that gang!"

I never thought I would ever join a gang. And now knowing what a gang did to my parents and Shay the chance of me wanting to go to a gang was even slimmer. But, the only thing scarier than joining a gang was the risk of my friends getting hurt, or even worse... no, I couldn't think of that. I would get them back. No matter what.

We drive until we reach an ink factory I hadn't known existed until August told me about it. Even in our small town with a population of 400 people, there are still places I don't know about. 

Z ushers me out of the car and Ayda says, "Don't worry if you need anything you can just talk to us." She taps her earpiece and smiles.

I smile back and start walking towards the entrance when I see a girl clad in all gray except for a jet black bone running down her side. "Are you," She looks down at her list, "Auralia Catius?"

At first,  I'm surprised that Z gave them my real name but I quickly nod. She keeps a solemn look and says, "Then, come with me. Someone will monitor and walk you through your tests."

As soon as we walk in I see a boy around my age with blonde hair, blue eyes, and the same clothes as the girl who ushered me in. "That would be me." His voice is quiet and breathy but is also commanding and authoritative. The lady's eyes flicker uncertainly but she relents and walks away. Who is this person to have that sort of control over somebody?

He turns to me," I'm Kaulas. The Black Bones gang leader." I can't help my mouth from rounding into an ''o" and my eyebrows raising as he gives me this information. "Hey," He walks steadily closer to me and now knowing who he is it takes everything me not to either lash out or run away, "I think I know you," And then, his thin, spidery hand wraps around my neck and he lifts me up. Oh no, oh no, oh no! I thought he didn't know who I was! I think as I slowly reach for my dagger. Suddenly he brings his other hand around my waist and pulls me close to him, in a hug!

I gasp and hear Z's voice through the earpiece, 'Did I forget to tell you? He's a hugger'

"Oh, you were in the same high school as me!" He exclaims as he slowly lets me go.

"Uh-um, yeah." I still can't quite get over the shock so I stutter as I speak. A gang leader just hugged me. And not just any gang leader, but the one who kidnapped my friends and killed Ayda's husband!

"Well, let's get this over with so I can welcome you to the gang! Z recommended you to me and your parents are big in the gang world so tests won't be needed. I have full faith in you!" His former quiet voice is gone as a new excited one takes over. I take note of his use of present tense when talking about my parents as I think, That means he doesn't know that they're dead. 

He takes me around the base and shows me where the rec room, (multiple) training rooms, weapon room, his office, and my room is. "I bet you're tired so I'll let you rest but tomorrow I'll introduce you to the rest of our members."

"Ok," I agree and turn to walk away before he says,

"It's great to have you in the Black Bones, new member!"

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