Fulfilled Prophecy

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I sat nervously in the castle, my powers still healing me, meaning I couldn't do anything. The guys were getting their butts kicked, and all I could do was stand by, it was killing me. Finally, they gained the upper hand, and I smiled. I knew what would happen if I joined, and I couldn't let it! I'm not a monster! I'm not... I felt my powers flare, and I smiled. "I've been working on overdrive to heal myself, and it just finished, I can go out now." Coran immediately shook his head, and I sighed, he knows nothing about Myceans. "Guys, you know nothing about Myceans, I'm perfectly fine, Krystal would let me go," I tried to argue. Yes, Krystal would let me go, and she isn't here because Sapphire called her in for royal business. He still shook their head, I sighed in mock defeat, and crossed my arms, looking away. As soon, as they were distracted, I was outside. "EMMA! GET BACK HERE!" I heard Coran yell through the comms, and soon the guys were distracted. "Where's Emma?"
"What did she do?"

"Is Emma okay?" That last one surprised me, and everyone else, it was Keith. KEITH. He cares for me? The guys disconnected from the signal, opening their own channel, and I could only guess about why. They were so distracted, they almost got hit, but luckily I was there, using a minor elemental spell to dispel the attack, and the guys joined back to our channel. "Woah! Em that was so cool!" Pidge exclaimed, and I snorted. "Please, that was a minor spell, and I didn't even execute it right. Don't baby me." Pidge sighed and the others chuckled, although I had no idea why. I really did execute it incorrectly, and it really was minor. I continued attacking the base with my fire, annihilating it, while the boys either rushed to get Allura, or help hold off Zarkon's forces. Soon Allura was back on the ship, and they had formed Voltron again, still attacking said ship. As it looked like we would win, although Zarkon's witch wouldn't stop interfering. Deciding to eliminate that problem, Voltron went after her, only to my horror, I saw a dark blast of energy heading their way, and they couldn't see it. Something took over me, and I made a beeline towards them, my energy only focusing on that, I couldn't hear nor see anything other than Voltron and the blast. Using full fire powers, I blocked the blast, and shut my eyes, tunnel vision disappearing as the others yelled in shock and fear, I noticed a horrid pain in both my hands and arms. My fire was eating me, I knew that, and yet I felt a sense of peace. "I guess this really is my destiny," I announced sadly, before my fire disintegrated everything below my chin, turning it to ash, yet the ash stayed in place, before moving to my core, and attacking my head, the fire taking it over. I was no longer myself, all I felt was anger, hatred. All I saw was red. All I wanted was death. I lashed out with my wings of fire, destroying whatever was nearby, I didn't care what it was. I am not Emma Holt. I am not Princess Andesite. I am Adara, the Demon of Flames. The Phoenix of Mycea. I felt a blast in my back and chanted words, as well as a delicate and silent speech, before I was suddenly somewhere else. Another world. Thousands of years in the past. Inside some... Holder of sorts. This would not do, I need to be free.

A/N: I said this was going to be short and it was, next week I will start the upload of the Will of Fire and Stars, back with Adara and Hana in present time. Thanks for reading this little filler, enjoy Wattpad!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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The Story of Princess Andesite: Emma Holt- The Phoenix of MyceaWhere stories live. Discover now