III. Wrecking Balls and Casserole

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Just a reminder, this is a filler chapter. Let's say that this happens after their semi-date.

Anyway, I missed you all, minna-san! Has anyone read the latest Fairy Tail chapter?! If you have, let's go fangirl over the soon-to-be canon ship, GaLe!

You know why, don't you?

If you have noticed, Bickslow would make a perfect Miley Cyrus.

Anyway, let's start!

Thanks for the reads! 200+ on this and Love, Lucy. 1.5K+ on Dramatically, and 1.7K+ on Fairy Academy! You're the best!


"There's a spider behind you."

Here we were again. I was pranking Freed, saying that there was spiders in his house.

We were using Skrype [it's like Skype], and Freed was freaking out, brushing off the imaginary spider.

"Bickslow The Great wants to join the conversation. Accept or not?"

"Yeah, get in here," I clicked Accept and Bickslow's tongue with the guild mark popped up.

"Bickslow, why is your apartment full of wrecking balls?" Freed asked.

"I put a spider in your bathroom."


I laughed loudly, "You're so gullible."

"I-I'll go clean my apartment, but I'll keep this on!" Freed said, dressing up in a butler style of clothing. He began cleaning.

"So, how's Mirajane?" Bickslow smirked.

"She's okay."

"Okay?! I didn't expect to hear that from you," he raised an eyebrow, "You're actually liking your twentieth heart, Laxus? Strange. But, once you fall in love, you won't be able to get up in hatred."

"Whatever. It's not like we're gonna be together forever or some crap like that," I said.

"Well, I can't blame you. You like breaking hearts."

"It's an official hobby. Write it down."

"Got it!" Freed showed us a yellow sticky note.

"Well, that was quick."

Bickslow laughed, "Anyway, it's weird."

"Weird, weird," his babies popped out.

"Wait, is that Miley Cyrus?" I pointed at a poster behind him.

"Yeah, she's my stick-out-tongue idol."

"Well, that escalated quickly," Freed said before continuing his cleaning.

"Anyway, I heard you tortured a restaurant," Bickslow said.


"With Mirajane."

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door.

"Laxus, it's me, Mira!"

"Dudes, you better shut up or I will zap you," I glared at them before opening the door.

"Hey, Mira."

"Hi, Laxus!" she smiled, "Master told me that you weren't really feeling well... so he told me to help you recover, because there are people requesting a lot of jobs for you."

"Well, alright. Thanks, I guess."

"But, can I use the bathroom? I really have to."



She ran to the bathroom. Bickslow laughed.

"You're wicked, man."

"Three-twenty-five in the morning, Bickslow, I'll zap you," I scared him.


"Laxus, there aren't any spiders in my house anymore! It's clean!"

"Okay, whatever."

Then, Freed's eyes began to glow and his hair flowed like he used some shampoo, "Laxus... just appreciated... my doing!"

"Dude, shut up," Bickslow sighed.

"I shall make runes for Bickslow to shut his mouth, shall I, Laxus?" he turned to me.

"Yeah, and do the same with yourself."


Soon, their mouths were soundless. I laughed at them, thinking that they'd never speak of anything about the bet to Mirajane.

Still, I was slightly, slightly, 0.1 scared. Like, fuck, what if Mirajane sees this? What if she sees our NoseBook conversations?

And, she'd see all of my past girlfriends. I'm gonna die.

"Laxus, I brought along some soup, although it's not ready yet!" Mira was out of the bathroom and she smiled at me.

"Thanks," I smiled at her.

"Be right back!" she winked at me and made some soup.

Somehow, I felt bad for tricking Mirajane. But, I felt sneaky too. She was an S-Class mage, and she probably figured my game. I'm just playing along.

"Laxus, you bitch," Bickslow sent a text through his MyselfPhone.

"Heh, I'm so fancy," I grinned as I texted back.

"Who dat? Who dat? B-A-K-A."



"I'm back!" Mira came back with a soup.

But, I wasn't sure if it was soup. I think, it was... casserole.

It reminded me of my childhood.


"Laxus, eat your casserole," Old man said.

"No. I hate casserole to the moon and back."

End flashback---

What a fond memory.

"Here! It's chicken soup!"

I seriously thought it was casserole.

I sighed in relief, "Thanks, Mira."

"Well, a girlfriend helps her boyfriend," she grinned.

Now, I felt extremely guilty. She really did love me.

Shit. What do I do?


Quite short, but stillllll... it's an update!



FearIsNotEvil ⚡❤

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