Chapter Thirteen: Like Gunpowder

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On the first day back to school after the two-week break for Christmas and New Year, Cheyenne got word that Alex had been released from juvenile hall, and was back on campus. Unfortunately, Cheyenne couldn't tell William yet. She wasn't going to see him until brunch. Cheyenne sat through first period geography class trying to focus on the effects of the Amazon River, but she was so worried about Alex that she could hardly pay attention. She just managed to copy her homework correctly at the end of class. Algebra was much of the same. She sat in her seat anxiously looking at the clock every chance she got, waiting for the brunch bell to ring. As soon as it did, she bolted and was the first one out of the door. She ran as fast as she could to the band room. William arrived only a moment after she did.

"Why are you out of breath? Couldn't wait to see your fiancé?" he teased.

"Alex," she said hurriedly. "He's back. I heard this morning from Nicolette right before I went to first period. He's out of juvie and back at school." William's eyes narrowed.

"Are you sure?" he asked tentatively.

"I'm positive," she said. "I even saw him on my way over here. He didn't see me, though, thank God."

"We just need to ignore him or walk away if he comes over. Don't go off like you did before," said William. "I don't want you to get hurt again."

"What if he tries to hurt you again?" demanded Cheyenne.

"Let him," said William. "I'll beat the crap out of him if he tries. I did it once before already."

"I'm sorry for all of this," said Cheyenne apologetically.

"This isn't your fault!" said William.

"Yes, it is," said Cheyenne. "I should have just said no when he asked me to homecoming. We wouldn't be in this mess if I'd just gone with my gut instead of trying to be nice."

William grabbed her shoulders firmly. "Baby, listen to me," he said. "Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. There's no way you could have known what was going to happen."

"I'm afraid of him, William," confessed Cheyenne. "I've never been afraid of someone before, but with Alex, I get the feeling that someone is going to get seriously hurt in all of this and it won't be him."

"Cheyenne, you have nothing to worry about," said William soothingly. "You're as tough as nails. Besides, I will always be there to protect you. I promise. I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you."

Cheyenne managed a small smile. She knew William was trying to boost her confidence. It wasn't working too well.

"I haven't felt very tough lately," she said. "The way I was with my mom and the fact that I'm terrified of lightning. Not to mention I hate gory movies ... I certainly don't feel tough."

"Well, you are," said William. "That's one of the many reasons why I love you."

The bell rang, cutting their conversation short. William gently poked her forehead, which was his way of telling Cheyenne he loved her, and left to his class. Cheyenne went off to her English class, looking forward to the new book they were starting. She decided that she wasn't going to worry about anything until something came up. There was no point in giving Alex that much control over her life. As long as she and William could avoid trouble, they would do so.

Biology proved to be enough to take her mind off of everything. At least temporarily. Cheyenne walked in to find dead frogs lying on a tray in front of each group station. Mrs. Truesdale gave them each a written set of instructions and told them to record anything they saw. Cheyenne sat with her assigned group and read the instructions out loud.

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