Chapter One

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Sky's POV:

I watched as the door opened and the sound of heels clicking down the stairs filled the room. I came to hate that sound. The dog collar around my neck had a chain attached, keeping me from fleeing the cell as soon as she opened it. I had done that the second week. She had stopped me with a simple level 3 shock and while I laid on the floor dazed, put me on a chain.

She finally stopped at my cell door and looked at me. She was holding a tray which probably contained the sandwich and water bottle she gave me every day for every meal. The cell next to me was also occupied, by another girl who's name was Shana. The woman didn't like her, saying it was a mistake to bring her here. And that she would either be sold or killed.

"Oh Skyyy. Lunch is here. I know you're hungry" She cooed to me. I went to say no but the sound of my stomach growling talked over me. She smirked and slid the tray through the slot. I grabbed it from her quickly and ripped the top off. Usually she watched me eat, claiming she was gonna take my garbage so my "room" didn't get messy.

She walked over to the cell next to me as I ate and pulled out a syringe filled with Green liquid. She opened the door and effortlessly unlocked the padlock that kept the collar around her neck. She gently placed it on the table and dragged the weak and starved girl farther out of her cell and injected her. She dropped like a stone and began to twitch violently. I screamed.

"What did you do to her?! No!" I yelled. The woman rolled her eyes and waited for the girl to stop twitching before she picked her up and bought her upstairs. She came back moments later with a cup of Soda for me as a treat.

"What did you do to her?" I yelled again. She rolled her eyes again and gave me a level 1 shock.

"Don't yell at me" She snapped. "Anyways I gave her to one of my friend. She'll be a fine addition to his room, if she's really lucky maybe a bed warmer pet. Or if she's really unlucky most likely his punching bag. His last one didn't last very long"

I shivered at the thought. She smirked at me and walked closer to my cell.

"Since you're my favorite, why don't you come sleep with me?" She said. She pulled out the keys and unlocked my cell. I shrank back instantly, not wanting to end up like the last girl.

"I don't want to sleep with you" I snapped. She giggled.

"Well. That's too bad. I guess you're gonna go hungry for a while. I'm getting too lazy to bring food down here" She replied boredly. I cursed at her silently in my head. She grabbed my collar and removed the chain, attaching a black leash to it. She gave it a little tug and I had no choice but to follow her. She led me upstairs and down a hall.

I tried to locate the front door but she simply tugged me to follow Faster. Soon we arrived at the biggest bedroom I've ever seen. It had two large windows and a double door set for the balcony. I saw the keyhole and already knew it was locked. I looked around the room and took in everything. It looked like a normal bedroom except for the wardrobe. I walked over to it and I whipped around when I heard her lock the door.

"Just a precaution. You've tried to escape before. I would rather not have to go through the whole dragging thing again so how about this. If you're good I'll get you your own room" She offered. It was a good offer, my own room and at least some privacy. I nodded in agreement and she walked closer to me.

"First we should teach you manners. I'm Mistress to you, nothing else. You ask a question I expect Mistress to be on the end. Begging? Better put Mistress in there. You want something, ask me properly, with Mistress" She said. I nodded and she raised an eyebrow.

"Yes..Mistress" The word seemed to burn my tongue. I was forced to call my captor Mistress. I ran my hand over the wardrobe and looked back at her.

"What is this? ... Mistress" I asked. She smiled and walked over.

"That's for when we have fun. But you aren't going to want that right now. It's 5, I suggest you take a nap. Pets usually sleep on the floor but I think I'm gonna be nice, I'll let you sleep in my bed with me. I already set aside a warm blanket for you and suitable clothes. Bathroom is over there" She said, pointing to the door by the left window.

"Fun?... what does that mean? Mistress" I asked. She chuckled.

"If you wanted to see you could of asked Pet" She said. She opened the wardrobe and I swear my heart stopped. Whips and floggers were hanging on the left door, and cuffs and a spreader bar hung off the right one. Inside there were blindfolds, Gags, and an array of dildos. I swallowed and looked at her.

"Something in here you'll come to enjoy. Usually all my pets end up hating it then come to beg for it every time we play together" She said. I didn't have to ask what playing meant, I think I knew already.

"And what is that something? Mistress.." I questioned. She smirked and pulled free a large purple toy. I gulped.

My god, it's big.

"We could start early, but I figured I gave you time to adjust before I start the fun things" She said.

"Fun?! You're sick!" I yelled. She gave me a level one shock.

"Aww. You were doing so good with the Mistress thing. Go get cleaned up and dressed for bed, then take your nap. If I come back and you aren't laying down, well let's just say my toy is gonna be very happy to be used so early" She said. I stiffened and raced into the bathroom, slamming the door.

I noticed she had already filled the tub with hot water. I mentally told myself she wasn't here and not to be nervous as I stripped off the purple dress I had been given yesterday and slid into the tub. I nearly moaned as the hot water worked it's magic. I made sure to keep my collar above the water as it warmed my cold body up. I quickly went to work cleaning myself.

This was gonna be a while.

(Time Skip)

I wrapped myself in a towel and cursed that I didn't bring the clothes with me. I slowly opened the door and peered out. The woman didn't seem to be in the room. I quickly hurried across to the bed and felt my heart drop as soon as I realized the clothes were no longer there.

I heard the bathroom door slam shut and turned around, coming face to face with the woman. Mistress. She was holding the purple nightgown in one hand and looking me over quietly.

"I think you forgot your clothes pet. It's a shame, I'll have to dress you now. Come here." She ordered. I froze and shook my head instantly. She gave me a level 2 shock and sighed.

"Do you really want a Level 4? Oh well then" She said as she raised the remote again.

"Wait! Wait wait I'll come. Don't shock me please" I pleaded. I had only had a level 4 once and that was when I had tried to attack her after she put the collar on. The pain left me curled up on the floor and lasted for what felt like hours, even though in reality it was about 10 minutes.

She cocked her head and made a come hither motion. I obeyed and stepped towards her. She smirked and grabbed the towel, ripping it off my body and throwing it at the wall. I tried to cover myself but she sighed and pulled out a pair of cuffs, cuffing my wrists behind my back.

"You have a beautiful body Sky. Don't be so shy about it" She Purred. I swallowed down my disgust as her hands explored my body and tried to breathe normally.

"Thank You..Mistress" I said. She laughed and uncuffed me, handing me the nightgown which I quickly put on.

"Good Girl. See? You learn quickly. Keep that up and soon you'll have your own room" She said. Then she pointed to the bed. "Go on, take a nap. Trust me you need it. You didn't sleep much down there"

I obeyed and climbed under the blanket she gave me. The bed was incredibly soft and much more comfortable than the old mattress I slept on downstairs in the basement. She was satisfied and left, leaving me alone in the room with my thoughts.

Maybe it is good to obey

I instantly got rid of that thought. I had to keep fighting. I would never become her pet. I'd rather die than become her plaything.

I will escape. I will be free.

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