Chapter Ten

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Sky's POV:

She pressed me against the wall and walked around me, rubbing the flogger up both of my thighs.

"Strip" She ordered me. I hesitated and she gave me a stinging slap on the thigh with the flogger. I yelped in response and quickly did what she wanted, stripping down until I was naked. She dropped my clothes over by the door and dragged me deeper into the room, over to where there was a grid type thing above a section of the room, just under the roof. She stood behind me and forced the flogger into my mouth.

"Hold this Pet. Don't you dare drop or break it" She snapped. I nodded and held it in my mouth gently. She caressed my body as she pulled one of my hands up and snapped one of the cuffs onto my wrist. I resisted when she went for my other hand, but she easily overpowered me and I soon was unable to protect myself from her. I was powerless.

"Listen up. Rules are different here. If you really need to stop say Red. In instances that you can't speak hold up three fingers. If you need me to slow down say yellow, two fingers if you can't speak. Say Green if you want me to continue on with what I'm doing. Don't abuse it or you won't get safe words. I'll just do whatever I want to you regardless of if it gives you pleasure or not" She said as she stood in front of me. I nodded and she pulled out a ball gag from behind her back.

Can we get this over with. Please?!

I tried to whimper, but it was all muffled. She smirked as she finished securing it around my head to keep it on. She pulled my hair to force me to look at her.

"Remember. If it's too much tell me."

She let go and walked to the wardrobe, wheeling over a small table with her. She placed several different devices onto it, including a coiled whip. That made me breathe a little harder. I shifted uncomfortably, the cuffs beginning to cause a painful ache in my wrists. They weren't padded like the other ones that I knew she had.

"Now for this to work you need to really relax" She warned. She wheeled the table in front of me and picked up a large toy. It was at least 5-6 inches long, 2-3 inches thick. My eyes widened and I shook my head instantly. She sighed. My hair was grabbed again.

"You can't say no to anything you haven't tried. Now spread your legs" She ordered. I didn't obey. I was scared. She rolled her eyes and walked over to the wall, picking up a long metal thing with two thick padded cuffs on the ends. She dropped it in front of me and knelt down by my feet, forcing my feet apart.

Without a word she wrapped the leather around one of my ankles and secured it tightly, then repeated it with the other. I was confused. She wrapped her hands around the bar, and pulled it with both hands until there was a loud click and it became longer, forcing my legs apart. She smirked.

"There we go. It's called a Spreader Bar by the way. A helpful thing today hmm?" She said. I could tell she was enjoying my confusion and fear. She stood up and picked up the big toy again.

"I'd have to prep you first. Wouldn't want you in too much pain. You're a virgin correct?" She asked. I nodded hesitantly. She smiled. Then she dropped the toy onto the table and picked up a bottle of clear stuff. She reached under the table and snapped on a pair of gloves before squirting some onto her hands. She reached down and began gently massaging/rubbing my core. The coldness was extremely unfamiliar and it made me uncomfortable. Maya seemed to notice, and her response was to go Faster.

"That feel good Pet? I know it does. It's cute when I rub an extremely sensitive spot and your little body jumps in response" she purred.

"J...just please..g..get it over with!" I pleaded. It came out muffled, but she seemed to understand what I said. She shrugged, then proceeded to shove a finger inside. The coldness of whatever was on her hand really got to me then as she began to push her gloved finger in and out of me at a rapid pace. I whimpered from the pain, but it was slowly beginning to fade. She moved to 2 fingers.

"Geez. You're tight. No wonder this hurts you. Never experimented much with toys huh. Well today, is your lucky day" She commented as she pushed her fingers in deeper. She pressed down on one spot and my body went crazy. My back arched and a moan burst from my lips before I could stop it. Despite the gag it was loud, so Maya definitely heard it. She laughed and switched to 3 fingers, which burned the most.

"Know what. You aren't protesting nearly as much as I expected you to. We really don't need this" She said, reaching up behind my head and undoing the clip of the gag. She pulled it out of my mouth and I coughed a few times and moved my tongue to get rid of the weird feeling.

"What is this stuff?" I asked. Her fingers were covered in the clear stuff and it looked like she was smearing it all over my core and inside it.
She smiled and pumped her fingers in and out rapidly now, scraping my spot over and over again until I was nearly seeing stars. I clenched around her and she instantly slowed down.

"Ah Ah Ah. I don't need you cumming that early. We just started, the real fun is coming. It's called Lube. Makes playtime easier and helps with the soreness a bit afterwards." She replied. She pulled her fingers out and grabbed the toy. She reached under the table again and pulled out a condom, sliding it onto the toy.

I guess she doesn't want to get her toys or hands dirty

She flicked the switch to turn the device on and then pressed it against my core. The vibrations felt good, so so good. I didn't even have to admit it, she could probably tell just from my face. She moved it up and down against me, getting it wet with my juices.

"That's it. Focus on the vibrations. It feels good doesn't it? That's it...let it take over. As long as you're good I'll make you feel amazing in this room." She whispered to me. I was in the clouds right now, doing what she said and focusing completely on the vibrations. She pulled it away and I actually found myself missing the stimulation.

"Now this is going to hurt, your body isn't used to it and the Lube doesn't prevent a lot of pain. It'll get easier. Now just relax..."

She put the tip against my core and very slowly began to push it into me. The first inch or 2 wasn't too bad, but at about 2 and a half it began to sting. I whimpered as she pushed it in deeper. The Lube was helping a little bit, but once she got to the 3rd inch I cried out from the pain. She sighed.

"Sky. Stop tensing so much. You need to relax. It's going to hurt, like I said you aren't used to it" She reminded me. Her voice this time was soft, comforting. She tried to use her other hand to rub my clit in hopes of it helping but it didn't, I still shrieked once she tried to make me take more. Finally she sighed and tried something different.

She pulled the 3 inches out of me until only the tip remained inside, then slammed all 5 inches into me. I screamed, tears coming to my eyes almost instantly. She rubbed my stomach, trying to calm me down.

"Shhh. It'll be okay. See, not so bad and not so big" She said smirking. I was still in a world of pain. She waited a few minutes and retracted about 3 inches and pushed it back into me. The pain began to fade as she sped up, hitting all the good places and making my body start to go crazy. The pain faded completely and was replaced by a world of pleasure.

Holy fuck this feels so damn good. More. More please

Maya seemed to read my mind, pumping the toy in and out of me faster. I clenched around it, super close to an orgasm. She noticed and smirked at me. Then she stopped. I whined in protest.

"Rules Pet. 1. You are never supposed to cum before me unless I allow you to. 2. You never cum without permission, if you do I'll make you regret it. 3. Always ask for permission to touch me if you aren't tied up, chained, etc. 4. You can't tell me no, I will only stop completely if you really cannot handle what I'm doing to you on a very high scale. 5. If I get you a playmate you still have to ask permission to cum, again I'll make you regret it if you don't do it without permission. 6. The door will remain unlocked as of now when this room isn't in use, but you aren't allowed in here unless I tell you to come in here. 7. Lube is a luxury. I can take it away as a punishment. Be careful. And 8. If you want something specific done to you again, beg for it. And you have to explain why you deserve it" She said.

"Y...yes Mistress.." I replied. She smiled.

Maybe...she isn't so bad after all...

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