Chapter Twenty Four

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Sage's POV:

I woke up to a loud bang. My body ached from staying in the same position for so long, so I slid out and stretched. Once I finished I carefully went over to the window. Some people were loading things from the top of the boat. Very slowly I made my way up the steep steps and peeked out. No one was on desk. I slowly crept off the boat and onto the dock. Just before I could pull up my hood and walk off, my wrists were grabbed by a woman who crept up behind me.

"You're gonna make me a lot of money Sweetheart"


I heard the jingling and realized that the woman was pulling out handcuffs. I instantly began thrashing, causing her to drop the cuffs and use both hands to pin me to the wooden post.

"Stay still. Your Owner back home won't be very happy with you. It's best if you don't struggle" She warned. She reared back her knee and kneaded me in the stomach, making me cry out and double over. She pulled my wrists behind me and cuffed them together, then began pulling me backwards.

Towards the boat. NO!

I began to scream.

"Help! Help help! Please help! Don't let her take me!" I screamed out, catching the attention of multiple people. As soon as I did this she began to pull me faster. A man broke away from the crowd and quickly ran over to me.

"I'm an off duty police officer what's going on?" He asked. The women stopped. Then she shoved me at him and raced off into the boat, getting is started easily. The man who was with her leapt on just as it began to pull away from the dock. The boat went zooming away, leaving me and the cop soaked with ocean spray.

"Where am I?" I asked immediately. The man looked at me.

"You're in California, what was going on?" He replied, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around me. I gripped the towel hard and stared up at him.

"I need the police. Now. My name is Madison Taylor. I was kidnapped"

(Time Skip)

Sky's POV:

I can't believe she did it. She actually got away.

Maya had stormed into the hotel room and immediately ordered me to fix her a drink. I did so and stupidly asked if she found Sage. Her eyes seemed to blaze right then and there, right before she slapped me. She then told me what happened, and how badly she'll make Sage beg for mercy. I didn't dare speak for the rest of the night afterwards, not wanting to get hit anymore.

Now I was laying against her, with my leash tightly wound around her arm. She told me that if I went anywhere she would tie me to the bed. I tried to stay still. I knew she was still awake. She was lying on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Suddenly I felt her hands wrap around my neck and squeeze. I instantly struggled, my throat burning for oxygen as she pulled me up by my neck.

"You wouldn't dare run away would you? You're too much of a good girl" She said, gently moving some of my hair away from my face. It was like she wasn't aware I was slowly being choked to death. I clawed at her hands harder and she tsked, letting me go and staring back at the ceiling. She let out a heavy sigh and slid out of bed.

"Come on. Can't sleep" She said.

(Time Skip)

Maya was on the couch, downing her 5th drink. She probably had a stupidly high tolerance considering she still seemed able to function properly.

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