Chapter Twenty Eight

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Sky's POV:

It's been days of me staying in this stupid room. Maya pretty much ignored me except for giving me food and that weird drink at night. 2 days ago she stopped giving it to me for some unknown reason and I slept normally. The morning sickness was getting worse and my bladder was beginning to decline. I had to run to the bathroom at least 5-6 times a day.

Today wasn't very different. She came in with food around the same time as usual and waited around for me to finish. I ate quickly in hopes of making her leave quicker, which didn't sit well with my stomach. I groaned and she noticed.

"Slow down Sky. You're gonna hurt th—yourself. You're gonna make yourself sick. Slow down" She ordered. I obeyed and finished off the last of my food and she stood up to take it away.

"Mara and Tiana are arriving later today. You've been on that chain long enough, so I'll let you off. But if you act up it's back on and this time I'll make it shorter" She said. I jumped up immediately.

I haven't seen Tiana in a while! Finally someone to talk to.

"Why are they coming?" I asked. Maya chuckled and collected my plate from my lap before walking towards the open door.

"Reasons. Now go to sleep or something, you seem tired" She replied. Then she was gone, disappearing down the hall to put away the dishes and closing the door.

(Time Skip)

I woke up to Maya opening my door again, this time with a set of keys. She walked over to the padlock that attached my collar to the chain and opened it, taking the chain off. I smiled happily as the heavy thing clattered to the floor. She gave me a pretty purple and white dress to wear and white heels. I quickly went into the bathroom to shower and got dressed.

It felt good to be back in the living room of the Hotel Suite. The giant windows provided a great view of the boardwalk down below and the ocean. I sat on the couch and closed my eyes.


I opened them briefly and saw Zach standing over me. Squealing, I leapt up and gave him a hug. After a few seconds he pushed me away.

"Hey!" I said. He cracked a smile and sat down on the couch, pulling me down with him.

"Hey. Enjoying being outside your room?" He asked. I nodded and fiddled around with my collar.

"Yeah. The view here is much better than the one in my room" I replied. We spent a few more minutes talking before Maya came into the room. She gave me a glass of water and sat down in the arm chair adjacent from the couch.

"Mara and Tiana are on their way up" She said, just as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open, revealing both of them. Tiana squealed and raced over to me, pulling me into a tight hug. Maya opened her mouth to say something, but Tiana let go of me and she reluctantly turned away to speak to Mara.

"Hey! Long time no see! How's it been on the boardwalk?" She asked. I shrugged. Maya and Mara got up and walked away to Maya's room.

"It's been, okay. I've been in that room for who knows how long and I haven't been able to properly see anything" I said dryly. Tiana sighed.

"Yeah they go crazy about pregnancies. Always afraid they might run into a wall or something and lose the baby" She said.

I stopped dead.


"Wait. What? What are you talking about?" I asked. Tiana looked confused.

"I thought you knew....Shit." She quickly turned and ran down the hallway to Maya's room. I looked over at Zach, who avoided my gaze and decided on staring out the window.

"Is she serious? How?!" I demanded. Maya came into the living room and walked over to me. I backed up and hid my face, tensing up as if she was gonna hit me. Instead she placed a hand on my back and shot Tiana the most deadly glare I've seen.

"You just had to. I made it clear I wasn't going to tell her!" She snarled. Mara protectively stood in front of the girl, gently raising her hand to stop Maya's next words.

"I'm so sorry. I'll punish her as soon as we get back to our room. Is Sky alright?" She asked. Maya didn't answer and led me over to the fridge to get me another glass of water.

"Who did it" I demanded, my voice choked up from sobbing. Maya sighed and looked at Mara. She seemed to catch the hint and whispered something to Zach. She roughly grabbed Tiana's wrist and dragged her from the room with Zach following hastily behind her. I heard the door slam.

"Zach wasn't a gift. He was here to get you pregnant and once the baby was born he'd be returned. Some special program Mara introduced me to. Remember when you went to the hospital? That wasn't only for regular tests and such it was also to see how fit and healthy you were to carry a child. The folder that woman bought me that time was the results. They take awhile" She explained. I shoved Maya away and she, surprisingly enough, let me.

"Why me? Why not just buy another pet! I thought you guys hated kids!" I sobbed. I wrapped my arms around myself and leaned against the wall. Maya rolled her eyes and used a towel to gently wipe my face.

"Buying another is expensive. And if I did it would be to replace you, I don't think you would want that. I may be rich but I don't like to spend on shit I don't need Sky. It's a natural thing here. Some of the other people here use their pets as surrogates to carry their children. I wanted a child but I'm unmarried and the marriages here suck so I used what I had. You should be happy really" She snapped.

"But I don't want a child! I'm not rea-"I yelped as she slapped me. She grabbed my hair and used it to pull me closer. Her gentle touches were gone.

Shit I've made her angry.

"You're making your Mistress happy, that's all you're good for. Making me happy. And when you stop making me happy, you're killed off and I find another. Don't forget it. Ever. Understand pet?" She growled, throwing me to the floor. I looked up at her through tears. That had hurt.

And when you stop making me happy you're killed off and I find another. I don't want to die

I saw Maya raise her hand again and freaked out, curling into a ball.

"No no please! Please don't hit me again I'm sorry Mistress I'm happy! I'm so so happy and grateful to carry your child! Please don't hurt me!" I pleaded. She stopped and grabbed my hair again. I looked up at her and something flashed in her eyes. Was that...hurt? Or Sadness? Why would she be sad.

It was gone immediately. She dropped me and stomped out of the room. I heard the door open then a rush of footsteps.

"Sky? Baby girl are you alright?" Mara asked as she gently helped me to my feet. Tiana quickly got me a ice pack to press against my face where she hit me. I saw Zach standing in the threshold, looking grim. I jumped as Tiana took my arm.

"Come on. Let's go lay down in your room" She suggested. I didn't argue, I simply let her take my hand and lead me out of the kitchen. As I passed Zach he leaned forward and whispered I'm sorry. I didn't answer. Just focused on the floor and followed Tiana.

When we arrived at my room she gently closed the door and we sat together on my bed. I bit my lip hard as the tears began to fall again.

And when you stop making me happy you're killed off and I find another.

"What..what if I d...don't make her happy anymore.. I don't wanna die" I choked out. Tiana hugged me as tightly as she could.

"You aren't going to die. She loves you. Just..stay on her good side. Want to hear some good news? We're gonna stay here for a while, until the baby is born. So I get to stay with you!" She assured me. I grabbed the covers and pulled them tightly over myself. Tiana situated herself next to me, gently stroking my hair.

She loves me?

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