Chapter Sixteen

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Sky's POV:

Once we got to the house Maya and Krystal immediately picked up both girls. Maya made me walk in front of her as we all went into the house.

The two brought the girls down into the basement, placing them in the first and third cage so there was a space between them. Krystal grabbed one blindfold and used it to blindfold Sage. She saw my confused look and giggled.

"She got a lesser dosage, she'll wake up first." Maya explained. I nodded. She sighed and sat on the couch that I never noticed was down here, yanking my leash to make me sit next to her. Krystal walked over.

"Let's go shopping. I need new collars and such. Plus maybe you can grab your pet a new toy or something" She told Maya, who groaned in response.

"Here" Maya threw her end of my leash to Krystal, then fumbled in her pocket to pull out my remote. "Take her and get whatever you want. I'll watch your two". Krystal nodded and tugged my leash to make me follow as she walked upstairs.

This can't be too bad

(Time Skip)

By the time we got to the store it was dark outside. As soon as we walked through the glass doors of the mall I immediately looked around for a clock, spotting one situated between two staircases.

8:04pm. Not too late.

"Alright we need Collars and Leashes, Toys, More gloves, New clothes, and I think that's all" Krystal said, snapping me back to reality.

"Yes Mistress" I replied quickly. She started walking towards a store with me following close behind. There were a few other people here, either alone or being followed by their pets on leashes. I noticed there were some Men and Women who didn't have collars or leashes walking with others.

Married couples maybe. Or relationships.

We arrived at the store and she quickly led me to the section with an assortment of collars. I didn't want to get in her way, so I stayed quiet and followed silently. She paused and picked up a dark blue collar and a medium length leash.

"How's this for Elle? I think it would look good on her" She said, showing it to me.

"I think it would fit nicely Mistress" I replied. She nodded and gave it to me to hold. She next picked up a Emerald Green colored Collar and another leash.

"And this for Sage? I think this looks like Jade's old collar actually" She said. My heart sunk.

Jade is free. Remember that.

I forced myself to swallow down my sadness and nodded to show I liked it. Krystal gave it to me to hold again and we waited in line to pay for the stuff.

"Mistress, how long has Ma—I..I mean My Owner had me here?" I asked.


Krystal raised an eyebrow at me.

"You know her name?" She replied. A question I 100 percent did not want to answer. I slowly nodded and braced for a shock or maybe even a slap.

Instead, she smiled.

"She has her hands full with you. It's August, and she picked you up in January, so about 5 months" She answered. I was surprised.

5 months?! Holy shit. I need to get out of here

Krystal walked up to the counter and paid. I carried the bag and we went to another store to pick up the plastic gloves. We put the bag in the one with the collars. The next store was a store that made me highly uncomfortable.

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