Chapter Twenty

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Sage's POV:

I awoke to Sky gently shaking me.

"Hey" she whispered, "wake up". I narrowed my eyes when i noticed the woman standing behind her looking annoyed. I let out a hiss and clutched my side where she kicked me as I sat up. She didn't seem to care for my pain and instead took my leash and pulled to make me follow her. She led us toward the elevator.

"Tomorrow I have to go to a business meeting. If you both are on your best behavior, I'll take you with me" She said, not even looking up from her phone. Excitement instantly filled me.

"Really? Where! Where are we going, mistress?" I asked happily. I noticed Sky perk up as well. She soon was by my side begging to know the details. Maya sighed.

"Just around the island, but not too far" She replied. Me and Sky nodded and She led us to her car. They got in, and i stayed back, looking at the building. She looked at me, annoyed.

"Whats wrong?" Sky asked me. I hesitated for a second.

"Arent Mistress Krystal and Sab- er, I mean Elle coming with us?" I asked. Mistress glared at me.

"No, now get in." She demanded, "I have stuff to do". I reluctently did as she said, and she started the car.

(Time skip)

When we got home, she led us to her room and instructed me and Sky to sit on her bed as she packed. She grabbed three duffel bags and filled the first two with clothes for all three of us, and the third with toys and lingerie. I took a deep breath.

Oh god..

Krystal walked into the room with Elle slowly trailing behind her. Elle took a seat on the Floor while Krystal sat in a chair. I went to go sit by her, but Sky grabbed my arm.

"Wait, I dont think they want you with each other." She spoke softly, so the women wouldn't hear.

I sat back down, and Maya turned to Krystal. 

"Oh hey K, whats up?" She said casually. She zipped up one of the bags and tossed it aside so she could focus on her friend. Krystal rubbed her temples.

"Im not going to go with you guys based on.. events that happend today" she huffed, and looked over at Elle. "She needs more training". Mistress walked over to Elle and grabbed her collar, forcing her to her feet. Elle's eyes went wide with fear.

"What did you do?" Mistress asked her spitefully. Elle flinched and turned her face away. Mistress grabbed her throat roughly.

"I said, what did you do?" She said spat out again. I was livid. Elle looked even more afraid.

Poor Elle. If only I didn't insist we walk home

"I- I tried to run away" Elle manage to choke out. Mistress angrily pushed her to the ground. She then rolled her eyes.

"Take her and Punish her. Do what you must" she said. Krystal muttered something I didnt quite catch and dragged the terrified girl out of the room.

"Alright you two, time for bed" She suddenly ordered. Me and Sky changed quickly into our nightgowns and Sky crawled onto the bed. I had to sleep on the floor. As She went to turn off the lights, I heard Maya talk.

"Maybe of you're good you can share the bed with us". I bit my lip to keep from snapping at her.

Don't give her a reaction.

"Yes Mistress" I deadpanned. She looked surprised that I didn't jump to defend myself. She simply turned off the lights and climbed into bed with Sky. I took a glance at the clock.

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