Chapter Thirty

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Sky's POV:

When we got back to the hotel, I immediately went to my room and took off the boots and the sweater dress. Tiana followed, carrying the 4 bags that held my clothes. I quickly changed into a t-shirt and sat on the floor to help her put them away.

"Hey Tiana?"


"What's today's date?". Tiana paused to think before answering.

"October 1st. And it's a Thursday. Why?"

"She never tells me what day it is, barely what time it is. Not even the date" I replied. Tiana shrugged.

"Some are like that. You've been here for a while. Pregnancies here are sped up due to technology and such. In reality you really would be in the third trimester not the second. It works weird. Don't worry, you won't have to give birth, it's a c-section every time. You'll walk away with a cool scar" She said.

Why am I even surprised.

"Are they picky with gender?" I asked. Tiana let out a sigh and stood up, closing the drawer with her foot. She helped me up and sat me down on the bed.

"Sadly, Yes. If it's not the gender they want or the baby doesn't look how they want it to look they...terminate it. And try again or use a different girl as a surrogate" She explained. That made me angry.

These people are crazy. So so crazy. I need to get out of here.

We talked for a while longer before she got up to go get my dinner.

I feel bad for her. She talks about this crazy shit like it's normal. How long has she been here?

A knock on the door made me look up. Zach was leaning against the doorframe, smiling. I returned his smile.

"Hey Sunshine. How you feeling?" He asked, walking over to sit on the bed with me. I didn't try to avoid him after finding out he made me pregnant, Maya kept him away from me. I didn't blame him for this. It was Maya's wicked and cruel idea.

"Tired. Hungry. Tired" I replied. He laughed. His laugh made me smile. I opened my mouth to ask what he's been up to, then Tiana came in balancing two plates in her hands. She froze when she saw Zach.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay out of here? Get out!" She demanded. Zach let out a frustrated sigh and stood up to go. I quickly grabbed his wrist.

"No. He can stay. He's not doing anything to me" I insisted. Tiana shook her head rapidly.

"Maya doesn't want him near you. If he's caught in here he's in trouble and IM in trouble!" She snapped. Zach gently pulled my hand off of him and squeezed my shoulder.

"Don't worry. We can talk later. She's just looking out for you" He said. Then he left. My mood seemed to deflate then. Tiana handed me my plate and plopped down on the bed with me to eat.

"You know. They might let us go shopping for baby clothes. I brought the idea up to Maya and she said she'll consider it. The baby is gonna have such pretty pink clothes and little dresses and—"

"Wait wait. Pink? Maya wants a girl?" I cut her off. I ate as I talked, nearly choking when I heard that. Tiana looked at the floor.

"Well. Yeah. She wants a girl but-"

"And if it's not a girl she'll kill it? Then force me to get pregnant all over again?" I finished my plate and set it down on the nightstand harder than I meant to. She looked uncomfortable.

"Well uh. Well I don't know. You're the first pet she's let get pregnant. Maybe instead she'll put it up for adoption" She tried. I wasn't convinced.

She wants a girl and if I don't give her a girl she likes she'll get rid of it.

"Anyways! Don't stress yourself out. You're going to the doctor soon and they'll determine the baby's gender. It's a 50/50 chance. In fact, girls are much more common than boys!" She said cheerfully. I knew she was trying to reassure me.

She's right. There's a 50/50 chance. Girls are more common, it has to be a girl. Has to be.

(Time Skip)

For an entire week leading up to my doctor's visit I was nervous. I hoped that eating certain things would increase the chances of it being a girl and or praying would help. Tiana did her best to reassure me and remind me that being stressed wasn't good for the baby. I focused on reading as a stress reliever. It worked a couple times, but when I finished the book and went to get another one I saw Maya and it set off the overthinking.

Now, I was sitting on the couch in the Hospital Lobby nervously biting my nails. Tiana sat to my left and Maya and Mara were on my right. My mind was racing, thinking of every horrible thing that could go wrong here. I grabbed the hand to my right and squeezed it as hard as I could. Maya grunted in discomfort but surprisingly enough let me.

She must want me to calm down on my own.

"Miss Redd?"

My head shot up. The doctor was standing in front of us. Sophia was next to him, happily clinging to his arm. He motioned with a hand and we all got up and followed him into his office. I was instructed to sit on the table and everyone else to sit in the chairs by the door. Mara and Tiana decided it was the best time to leave. They left me with Maya, the doctor, and Sophia. Sophia bounced up to me and put a hand on my stomach.

"Wow! You're pregnant! That's so wonderful! Your owner is going to be very proud of you" She gushed. I gave her a weak smile. The doctor told her to go sit on his desk before approaching me.

"Alright Sky. Any discomfort? Pains? Can you eat and drink okay?  Using the bathroom is fine?" He bombarded me with questions and I hurried to answer them. But the last one caught me off guard.

"What is your blood type?"

I stared at him blankly before looking over at Maya. She was on her phone not paying attention. The doctor cleared his throat and she looked up and saw both of us looking at her. She stood up.

"Yeah. What." She replied, looking me up and down. "She's not being cooperative?". My blood ran cold and I immediately shook my head yes.

"No no she is. She doesn't know her Blood type" He said. Maya sighed.

"Oh. AB positive" She answered. I looked at the doctor.

"Don't worry Sky it's just for emergencies and your records" He assured me. I nodded and went back to biting my nails. The doctor placed down his clipboard and wheeled over a machine.

"Alright Sky can you pull your dress up? Or take it off whichever one you want" He asked. I hesitantly took my dress off, then blushed as Sophia whistled.

"Nice body!" She called from the doctor's desk. He shot her a glare and she went quiet, resuming ruffling through his papers.

I jumped as the doctor rubbed gel onto my stomach then held up a weird device.

"This is to see your baby. Would you like to know the gender?" He asked. I knew his question was directed to Maya. I didn't get a say. She walked over to me and gently placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes. Show us our baby" She replied, her eyes sparkling. I forced myself to breathe normally as he pressed the device to my stomach.

Our baby?

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