Brotherhood 2: To Protect Emrys

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Title: It's Like Magic

Author: Kiki1607

Rating: T for Language

Summary: Stregnth and Nobility will protect Emrys

Setting: Post Season 3

A/N: I have to admit, the best time to write a story would be post season 3. Arthur has all his knights, Uther is mad so Arthur is basically in charge. He get's to be open about his relationship with Gwen, Merlin is already a dragonlord and his abilities are growing, Lancelot is still alive, and then there is Dragoon the Great! It really is the best place to go AU. I especially love the idea of Gwaine and Lancelot's aligence being to Merlin first and then Arthur.

Brotherhood 2: To Protect Emrys

Sir Gwaine and Sir Lancelot, two of the best knights in the Kingdom of Camelot, were currently being punished with grunt work. Although no one was surprised that Gwaine was getting punished, it came as quite a shock to many that Lancelot did too. Gwaine and Lancelot were being punished for the one purpose they both had in common, protecting their warlock.

As a result of taking the fault for one of Merlin's prolonged absence, Gwaine and Lancelot were currently stuck doing patrol around Camelot. Since the two Knights had luck almost as rotten as Arthur and Merlin they were attacked by bandits less than an hour into the patrol. Of course the bandits were quickly defeated, but not without taking a bad blow or two.

Gwaine and Lancelot lay on the forest floor struggling to breath after a vicious blow, when a group of hooded figures approached them. "Druids," Gwaine grunted, trying to mask his pain. Lancelot nodded in acknowledgement. Neither of them flinched or resisted when the druids began casting a spell on them. In fact they remained still in shock.

"Why?" Gwaine was the first to ask after the pain has subsided enough. "We kill your kind all the time, and yet you heal us," The druid man, probably the leader, had golden brown hair and pale green eyes with a crinkle of old age.

"I believe you already know the answer to that question Strength. You and Nobility are protectors of Emrys. For that, my kind will always come to your aid. For without Nobility and Strength, Emrys may not withstand the trials he faces in the future. Our hopes and dreams are much entrusted in him as they are with you," The old druid chuckled with light yet solemn and wise eyes.

The druids left as quietly as they came leaving Gwaine and Lancelot pondering about Merlin. They didn't need to hear it from the druid to know they'd do whatever it took to keep him and Arthur safe. Gwaine chuckled all of a sudden and Lancelot shot him a curious look.

"Well looks like one good thing came out of this whole mess,"

"And what would that be?"

"I've obviously got the best prophecy name,"

Gotta love Gwaine right? There really isn't much interaction between Gwaine and Lancelot in the show so it's really hard to imagine what they would act like together. Incase it wasn't obvious, Lancelot AND Gwaine know about Merlin's magic.

Review please, I want to know how you feel about my drabbles :)

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