Chapter 6~ Roc

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This Chapter took me 4ever to write. I had severe writers block. So that's why it not the best. Anyway have a nice day and I'll update later. :):) Maybe next week maybe tomorrow. Love you guys!


Me and Allison had returned from our little meeting. Samuel started a fire and was cooking some fish for dinner. I was thinking about telling him about what Allison told me, to see if he thought it was as silly as I did.

"Hey, Yvette. What took you guys so long to come back?" Samuel asked.

"What do you mean? How long were we gone?"

"You were gone for an hour or so. You didn't notice?"

"No. Sorry Samuel."

"It's ok. I just want to know exactly what you two were doing."

"She was helping me get cleaned up."

At that he made a face and asked

"It takes you an hour to get cleaned up?"

"Would you stop it with the questions!!!! Jeez Samuel whenever we talk I feel I'm getting interrogated."

"I just wanna know the truth. You suck at lying. Why are you lying to me Yvette?"

"I'm not lying."

"Yes you are. You always look away from me and twirl your hair when your lying."

"Ok, ok! I'm lying."

"Why are you lying to me then Yvette?"

"Because I don't know whether I should tell you the truth or not. I don't want to seem silly to you."

"You would never seem silly to me Yvette. Can you tell me the truth now?"

"Yes. Allison wanted to tell m-"

I was interrupted with a loud*SQUAWK SQUAWK*.

A giant bird flew overhead and landed 20 feet away from us.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!" I screamed.

"Yvette! Shut up before it hears you!" Samuel whisper yelled at me.

"My bad." I whispered back.

The beast looked at us and let out a guttural SQUAWK. It then proceeded to walk towards us very slowly. It's claws shaking the ground every time it moved. It's beak looked as sharp as a razor and the fact that it was looking at me didn't make me feel any better.

I ran over to Samuel and flung my arms around him, hoping he could save us. Samuel stroked my head and leaned over to pick up his spear.

"Don't move a muscle." Allison's voice said. I couldn't see her but I knew she was close. Samuel tightened his grip on the spear and raised it up.

"STOP!!" Allison shouted as she revealed herself. She stood in front of Samuel and he lowered his arm.

"What are you are doing?!" I yelled.

"Keeping you from making any serious mistakes." She replied.

"That thing is going to kill us."Samuel stated.

"No it won't touch a hair on your head as long as I'm around."

She walked toward the creature and stroked it's head.

"There, there baby no need to be afraid. They won't hurt you." She cooed.

"Your worried about that-that thing." I said.

"This "thing" has a name you know his name is Dragon and he's a Roc."

"A Roc?" Samuel asked before I could.

"Yes. He's a Roc, A Roc is giant bird. And he won't hurt even the hair on your head."

"Just keep your-your pet away from me. And Samuel." I said.

"Ok. I'll leave now. See you two in the morning." with that she disappeared into the woods and her pet followed.

"She's crazy to keep that thing as a pet, don't you think?" I asked.

"Ya. She's crazy, but she's also helping us out." He replied.

"Your right without her we would've never found this river."

"Hey! I would have gotten us there eventually."

"Surre. Just keep telling yourself that."

"You know what I'm tired I'm going to bed." He tried to get up and since I was on his chest I pulled him down. He fell back and I started cackling. He got up and picked me up.

"What are you doing?" I asked in between laughs. He just smiled and carried me right by the river then threw me in. I got out and hugged him getting him all wet on purpose. The night went on like this until we both passed out.

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