Chapter 2~ Off to Odd Beginings

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My only regret in this journey is that I didn't go alone...

*1 day before entering the woods*

As normal on a Thursday afternoon I was in the market place selling bread my father had made. Also as usual I was being questioned by my annoying companion.

"Why are you always staring at those woods?"

"Why do you always ask me that?" I replied.

"Because it's weird."

"That's only your opinion."

"Everyone in town is afraid of the forest, everyone but you. Why is that?"

"I don't know. I just... I like it."

"Why though?"

"I don't know and I don't appreciate your questions. Leave me alone."

After that I ran off leaving my booth at the market place. Papa would be mad at me. I could deal with that though, the only thing I couldn't deal with was being pestered with stupid questions.

"Yvette, Yvette I'm sorry just come back. I promise I won't ask you anymore questions." He called after me.

Huh, speak of the devil and he will appear.

"Yvette, did you hear me? I said I'm sorry." He said as he caught up with me.

"Yes, I heard you Samuel." I said still continuing to walk towards home.

"Then come back, people are wondering why you ran off."

"I don't want to come back, I want to go home."

"If you go home this early your father will ask you why and question you further."

I hated it when he was right. The last thing I wanted now was being questioned on my actions.

I had stopped walking.

"Well, are you coming back?" Samuel asked.

"Yes, I am."

We walked back together towards my booth. When we got there we discovered that someone had taken all the bread and not left any money.

"I guess I'm going back home anyway." I said.

"Yvette, I'm sorry. I can come back home with you to help explain this to your father."

"No, Samuel. You should go back to your booth."

"I already packed up, I got here early and everything is already sold."

"Isn't that convenient. Fine you can come with me."

We started off toward my house. The whole trip I was silent thinking how I was going to explain this to him. Samuel, however was talking every five minutes.

He would say something like,

"I really like the weather today." Or

"Are you going to set up the booth tomorrow?"

He didn't seem worried about what might happen to me when papa found out that the bread was stolen or that I ran away from my booth.

We finally reached my house, it was a 7 mile walk. I lived on the edge of town closer to the woods. I always liked it like that.

Papa was inside, making more loafs for tomorrow. We came in and he asked why we I was early, I usually came back hours later. He also asked why Samuel was here.

"Well..." I started

Samuel quickly interrupted me and said "Someone stole the bread from Yvette's booth, so she had to come home early."

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