Bonus Chapter Part 1: Babysitter

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Bonus Chapter Part 1: Babysitter

Sir Randal was coming to the mansion with a man who certainly looked like Abberline but with the addition of a mustache and a more excitable personality. Sebastian charged me with keeping an eye on Agni for the night. "You can't handle this yourself?" I muttered, gesturing to the tall white haired man.

"Why would I when I have you to do it for me." Sebastian teased before leaving to go get Sir Randall. I turned back around and noticed Agni was still standing there, in plain sight. I sighed before shoving him to the closest closet and shoved him in before going into the closet myself to make sure he keeps silent. As soon as Randal came in Agni tried to open the door, I quickly shoved him into the wall.

"You are making my job harder Agni, so just be quiet and we'll both get out of this alive." I muttered. It was then I noticed his red face before turning away my face just as red. I felt my heart quiver with anticipation for snaring someone. I turned back around to see Agni gone. I ran after his tailcoat before spotting him before open doors so I did the only thing I could think of, I tackled him out of the way.

We rolled quite a bit before I landed on top, "You idiot! You really do wish Sebastian would kill me don't you!" I snapped as I dragged him outside, "Really, the things I do for you." I muttered. I turned to see Agni smushed up against the window, "Oh no you don't." I muttered before waving my hands to the side, snapping my fingers as I did so. The curtains slid closed and Agni was no longer visible. Before I could catch him Agni ran back into the mansion. "Damn it." I muttered before chasing after him.

I spotted him with the door open and gaped in horror as the men turned to see what was going on when suddenly the room went dark. I smirked, 'Thank you Sebastian.' I thought before walking forward, my eyes glowing a light green. I spotted Agni on the floor, wrapped up in ropes like a present. In fact he was hog tied. I chuckled as I knelt in front of him, "Now, where were we?" I asked as I played with his longer hair strands. "Never mind that, let's return you to Prince Soma." I said before grabbing the ropes and dragging him through the hall.

It was rather difficult to get him up the stairs but I managed it with a rather awkward piggy back ride. I dropped him off in the room quickly before hearing Soma whine that he was hungry. "I guess there's nothing I can do but. I pulled out my book and turned a few pages into the food category "Ah, here we go it's simple but requires a few things." I pulled out my bag from nowhere and began to search through it. I brought out the items necessary before bringing out my small camping stove. I turned it on and began to boil some water before putting the noodles in.

"Prince Soma, why are you heading towards the door?" I muttered angrily. I turned to see the door slightly opened with a frightened Soma about to go through it. "I was about to show you a magic trick." I teased. Soma quickly sat in front of me, eager to see a trick. I poured some silver glitter in my hand before closing my fist, "Abracadabra!" I shouted before snapping my finger over my other hand, opening it to reveal silver butterflies. They began to fly around the room, "Shazam!" I shouted before snapping my fingers again and they turned into birds before coming together behind the bed and turning into a little grey puppy.

"Go ahead and touch her, she's so cute." I cooed. Before turning back to the noodles and straining them through the window. I then snapped my fingers over the spaghetti sauce and it became hot I put together three bowls and handed one to each of them, Agni I had to hand feed because I didn't trust him enough to not escape.

"This is delicious Jade!" Soma cheered before eating more quickly.

"Oh how silly of me." I muttered before bringing out some sparkling cider from my bag, I'm not a big fan of alcohol. "I forgot the refreshments." I gathered together three wine glasses from my bag before pouring the liquid. I helped Agni drink his before noticing something, "Agni, why are you trying to escape?" I asked in a sweet tone, getting really close to his face for effect.

"I-I'm not!" Agni squeaked. The night went on smoothly before Sebastian came and retrieved us, saying something about Ciel having put Soma in charge of his town house in London. I grinned as I sent them off, letting them keep the dog for memories.

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